Question for person who has permanent resident card

I have a question toward permanent  card itself. It is not question of cedula. Is the person's nationality or/and passport number on permanent resident card? or is only country of birth on the card like US green card ?Is card valid for indefinite without expiration date on it?

Never mind, I misunderstood the question

If you mean by permanent card the ADMISION PERMANENTE card which you need to get before you can get your cedula then my answer is that on mine only my nationality and place of birth is on it, no passport nr.It has its own ID's nr's on it but my cedula's nr. isn't on it, hell I only got my cedula after living 12 years here in Paraguay, I never left PY (except for Vos de Iguazu a couple of times) in that hole time and always had that Admision Permanente with me for ID, lots of times police could not stomach it that I didn't have a cedula but I then only sat back and relaxed, they started talking over their radios or to their bosses or whatever and always I was allowed to go 10-20mins later.

oh and that card is now valid for life, used to be that it was only valid for 10 years but last I heard its permanent now, no expiry date for it anymore.

Thanks Nico. you have answered all my curious questions.

I received my Admision Permanente card last week.  On the back of the card is a heading TIPO Y NO. DE DOC, and my passport number. Down the bottom, in computer talk is another line with IDPRYxxmynumberxx<<<<<<<<<.

Gabtar wrote:

I received my Admision Permanente card last week.  On the back of the card is a heading TIPO Y NO. DE DOC, and my passport number. Down the bottom, in computer talk is another line with IDPRYxxmynumberxx<<<<<<<<<.

Thanks ,Gabtar. Is there expired date on it?

law 2406/04, establishes that the
permanent residency carnet doesn't have to be renewed.

ItŽs always good to know the laws that back up documents, please rememember that this is administrative law (when dealing with government) so we must be very precise.