
Trouver un emploi à HCMC

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Hi everyone,
I'm 23, and I have recently graduated from a Master degree in Project Management.
I spent one year in Cambodia, where I finished my studies and  had an internship in an NGO for 6 months. My boyfriend was there with me and he was an English teacher in a private school.
We came back to Europe during the summer, but we miss Asia and we are thinking of going back. We spent vacation in HCMC at the beginning of the year, and we liked the city a lot. Besides, one of our friends lives there, and he encourages us to join him.
I’ve read it’s difficult for foreigners to find a job in Vietnam. Besides, we have just graduated and we don’t have a lot of professional experience.
I wonder if it’s possible to go to Vietnam with a tourist visa and look for a job once there, like it is the case in Cambodia.
I’d like to have your opinion about this matter.
Thanks a lot !

PS: Sorry, I thought I was on the French version of the blog! I’m not lazy, I can write in English 

See also

Job offers in VietnamWorking in VietnamSetting up a business in VietnamFinding a job in HanoiWorking in Hanoi

Tourist visa is intend to visit the country as a tourist, not a work/business visa :D
Anyway if you have confidence and willpower you can come and search for a job. Good luck!
Better you type in English to get more opinions as this is English Forum.

Tran Hung Dao

petitezuave wrote:

Bonjour à tous,

Je suis une jeune femme de 23 ans, récemment diplômée d'un Master en Gestion de Projet.

J'ai vécu pendant un an au Cambodge, où j'ai terminé mes études et effectué un stage en ONG pendant 6 mois. Mon petit ami y était professeur d'anglais.

Nous sommes rentrés en Europe cet été, mais la vie asiatique nous manque. Nous avons passé des vacances à HCMC au début de l'année, et nous avons beaucoup aimé cette ville. De plus, un de nos amis y est installé et nous encourage à le rejoindre.

J'ai lu qu'il était difficile pour les étrangers de trouver un emploi au Vietnam, d'autant plus que nous sommes de jeunes diplômés avec une courte expérience professionnelle.
Est-il possible de partir avec un visa tourisme et de chercher un emploi sur place?

J'aurais aimé avoir des témoignages et des avis sur la question.

Je vous remercie d'avance et vous souhaite une bonne journée.


Like what?  Before a moderator comes on board and tells you this is an English-speaking forum....I've gone through the trouble and translating for other Expats.  I have a PhD in French (not really, I just used Google Translate).

petitezuave in English wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am a 23-year old woman, recently graduated with a Masters in Project Management.

I lived for a year in Cambodia, where I finished my studies and completed an internship in NGO for 6 months. My boyfriend was there an English teacher.

We returned to Europe this summer, but we miss the Asian life. We spent a holiday in HCMC at the beginning of the year, and we loved this city. In addition, one of our friends is installed [this part reads weird translated in English, installé also translates to "established" so I'm thinking her friend is well-off, rich, well-to-do] and we encourage them to join.

I read that it was difficult for foreigners to find work in Vietnam, especially as we are young graduates with a short experience.

Is it possible to start with a tourist visa and get a job there?

I wish I had testimonials and opinions on the matter.

Thank you in advance and wish you a good day.

Tran Hung Dao

charmavietnam wrote:

Tourist visa is intend to visit the country as a tourist, not a work/business visa :D
Anyway if you have confidence and willpower you can come and search for a job. Good luck!
Better you type in English to get more opinions as this is English Forum.

Wow charmavietnam, you can read French!


Yup, with the help of 'google guru'! :D

Tran Hung Dao wrote:
charmavietnam wrote:

Tourist visa is intend to visit the country as a tourist, not a work/business visa :D
Anyway if you have confidence and willpower you can come and search for a job. Good luck!
Better you type in English to get more opinions as this is English Forum.

Wow charmavietnam, you can read French!

Tran Hung Dao

petitezuave wrote:

I wonder if it’s possible to go to Vietnam with a tourist visa and look for a job once there, like it is the case in Cambodia.
I’d like to have your opinion about this matter.
Thanks a lot !

PS: Sorry, I thought I was on the French version of the blog! I’m not lazy, I can write in English 

Well, if you can write in English then that implies you can read my response since I don't really know much about French, except you guys have cool accenting marks that probably had a huge influence on the Vietnamese language. 

Okay to answer your question, it's not legal because a tourist visa is just be a tourist.  If you want to work then you'll need to apply for a work permit and your employer will set you up with a temporary residency card.  Otherwise they expel you from the country. … foreigners

But you didn't ask if it was legal, you asked if it was possible.  Like most things in Vietnam, if you have the money, it's possible.

I have reading somewhere...ah..found the source. … in-vn-bill 

One of the loopholes is that the Ordinance allows foreigners to apply for changes to their registered purpose of entry. Taking unfair advantage of this, many foreigners have arrived in Vietnam with a travel visa and then overstayed their visa to engage in work without a work permit, Nam said.

These foreigners include Chinese nationals who have worked on many projects developed by Chinese contractors nationwide, the official said.

In order to eliminate such a bad practice, Nam said, the bill stipulates that any foreigners who wish to have a paid job in Vietnam must obtain a work permit from a State agency in charge of labor management before they enter Vietnam

It would seem to me that you can arrive on a tourist visa for the purpose of exploring the country.  While you're exploring the country and a school happened to want to hire you, then it's up to that school to comply with the law...meaning they'll have to get you a work permit as well as a temporary residence card.  The responsibility of following the law lies in the school....since you're just here exploring the country as a tourist.

If you purposely enter the country with the INTENTION of finding work on a tourist visa, then you will be charged with not following the purposes of your intended travel as stated in your visa (something to that effect...they can charge you for this violation).  I'm sure France has similar laws.

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