
Une Américaine dans les Pyrénées

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I've lived in the central French Pyrenees for 11 years, in London for 3 years before that. I don't have a blog, but have run a bi-lingual web site about my département since 1997, A blog may come later--right now the weather is too nice and the mountains too beautiful to spend even more time in front of a computer.

I've enjoyed reading Olivier's Montréal blog because we have arranged a house exchange with a family in Terrebonne for a month this summer.

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Hi Kim,

welcome on expat-blog! I hope that when you'll decide to create your blog, you'll do it on this wesbite :)

Enjoy France's nice weather!

Take care,


Olivier de Montréal

Kim a écrit:

I've enjoyed reading Olivier's Montréal blog because we have arranged a house exchange with a family in Terrebonne for a month this summer.

Thank you!!! :-D

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