
Buying a car without Maltese ID?

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Im new to the forum. And also new to Malta.

I arrived last week, and I will be in Malta for a half year as an artist.
This means I make performances all over Malta, and I don't have a steady job on paper.

I bought a car few days after my arrival. The dealer told me all the papers that I needed.
So I made a phone contract to show some proof of address, made my insurance papers without a problem.
He took all my papers to transfer the car on my name, as he had done many times before for foreigners he said.

The day after I got a call, and he told me, he can not transfer the car on my name, as I need a Maltese ID card.
Is this true? Is not my european passport enough?

The problem is, I really need a car, I live in a very remote area on a hill, where no busses drive.
Also because I make performances all over Malta, also in the night time,  I need to be mobile.

The Maltese ID is also a problem, my first official performances, is only half way june.
And all I been told is that you need a steady job to get your Maltese ID.
Which I don't have, and not plan on having.

I would just think this is Europe, and my passport would be enough.
For transferring a cheap car on my name, I don't need to show a fancy job. As long as I can pay the car myself.
For insurance I can image a rule like this, but to just put it in my name?

What to do?


See also

Retiring in MaltaTravelling to MaltaEU Citizens e-residency process & Health Care info.Hi New Member - looking for advice on flexibility to and from MaltaPlanning to live and work in Malta through spouse

Loony wrote:

The problem is, I really need a car, I live in a very remote area on a hill, where no busses drive.
Also because I make performances all over Malta, also in the night time,  I need to be mobile.

The Maltese ID is also a problem, my first official performances, is only half way june.
And all I been told is that you need a steady job to get your Maltese ID.
Which I don't have, and not plan on having.

are you an eu citizen?
if so you to get residency you either apply
a. employed/self employed
b self sufficient
c. as famiily of someone who already has id

There are no longer id cards for non-maltese citizens its an e-residency card


Thank you for your answer.
Yes I am a EU citizen.

I will start searching information then how to get this residency card.


Loony wrote:

Thank you for your answer.
Yes I am a EU citizen.

I will start searching information then how to get this residency card.

Start here:-

Click on the link and it will tell you everything you need to know about registering as a resident.



However I can forget about this.
First of all i don't have any of my documents translated to english.
Its going to be super expensive and time consuming to do this.

I don't fall in the category of self sufficiency.
And I don't have an employment contract. And Im not even sure if I will ever get one, being an artists doing fire shows.. :/

So I can forget about a residency card..
And I never thought I would need one, as Im staying only 5 months here..

There I was thinking that with a european passport, we are allowed to buy goods within Europe..

So now my only option is to find someone that is willing to put my car on his/ her name..
I even reached the state that I am willing to pay money to do it :(


just out of curiosity what car is it because im thinking that in 5 months your going to have to sell it again? would it not work out cheaper and easier for you to lease a car ??
i would happily have the car put in my name if you were to pay for the insurances etc but i would want the car when you left the country (if that would help you out)

the problem would arise with any parking or traffic violations would be sent to me and thats a risk people are probably worried about/not willing to take


Wow robpw2, are you serious?

its a very cheap car. Hyundai excel from 1991..
I searched for something cheap, because its for such a short time.

i can not imagine that i can afford a lease car.
i am here to make fire shows and enjoy the maltese life style.. i won't be making any money, its more surviving hippie style and being away from a normal job for a while (as i worked before in holland 60/70 hours a week)
this is also why i didn't expect i would need something as a residency card.. thinking in europe we can buy wherever we want.. (if i would go to germany for example, i also don't need a german passport to buy a car…)

i am a responsible driver.. and also responsible for parking tickets or traffic violations..

im dragging my car dealer to the office for the transfer tomorrow morning..
because he keeps telling me they changed this rule this few days ago, and i don't believe him.

i hope there they can do something for me.. if not , I'm going to need someone indeed to put the car on the name..
I will keep you posted.

thanks already for the offer :)


Well if you can't sort it then send  me a message


You don't need a Maltese ID to change the logbook into your name.
This from  TM website

To transfer your vehicle

• Logbook signed by seller, buyer and witness
• Insurance in the name of the buyer
• Photo copy of the ID’s of the 3 parties (not needed if transfer is made on VEH 50)
• If licence is due to be renewed before always check whether the vrt is due (
• Any contraventions, CVA and any other fees due must be paid before the transfer is effect.

You must come at the Land Transport Directorate in Hall B between 7.30 am and 12.00 pm (Monday to Friday) to effect such transaction.

you just need form  VEH50 but you both need to go.



Hi Loony ,

you can buy the car in Malta or Germany without being resident.

But to register it in Germany you have to be a resident ! What makes you think you can just go to Germany with your Dutch passport and register a car ?



Terry, thank you for your reply.
If found this information too, and that is why i go tomorrow together with the car dealer to the office.

Do you happen to have more information about what a VEH 50 is?



Loony wrote:

Terry, thank you for your reply.
If found this information too, and that is why i go tomorrow together with the car dealer to the office.

Do you happen to have more information about what a VEH 50 is?


Its the application form to transfer a vehicle, you can download it from TM website.



Hello! Did you manage to transfer a car without any ID Maltese card?




You have replied to a post from 4 years ago, so the odds are, the person is no longer active on here.
Plus the interpretation of regulations have probably changed in that time!


Mathilde555 wrote:

Hello! Did you manage to transfer a car without any ID Maltese card?



As you are interested in this topic. You will have no problem to register a car without a maltese ID. When it comes to the collection of taxes and license fees the Maltese are very generous. I remember when I registered my car over here I did not have a Maltese Residence ID yet. However, the license authority was happy to issue me  Maltese numberplates for my car. This story goes back to 2014. However, I do not think things have changed. Of course if you are serious of buying a car over here you should ask a car dealer as well.


You need a residence card to purchase a car.


Yes, you do need the ID. I bought a car a few weeks ago so know this to be true. It could not be transferred into my name without it. I managed to find an insurance company who would give me insurance without an ID card and without the car being in my name. They also confirmed this to be the case. Once I had my ID number, I then had to inform the insurance company so they could update their system - ownership, insurance etc will all then marry up on central records with the ID number.


Kimmt wrote:

Yes, you do need the ID. I bought a car a few weeks ago so know this to be true. It could not be transferred into my name without it. I managed to find an insurance company who would give me insurance without an ID card and without the car being in my name. They also confirmed this to be the case. Once I had my ID number, I then had to inform the insurance company so they could update their system - ownership, insurance etc will all then marry up on central records with the ID number.

My experience goes back to 2014. Obviously, maltese authorities were more generous at that time. However, it is good to know for everybody a Residence card is compulsory before you can register a car on your name right now.

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