Looking to spend Jan-Feb 2017 in Turkey

I'm interested in spending the months of January and February in Istanbul. I'm pursuing an online degree course on car engineering and I'm also working on launching a men's suiting business. For both of these ventures, I've figured that Istanbul is better for me than London.
Can somebody update me on work permit and living & rent expenses for a single man in Istanbul?


A couple of posts on the following thread would help you figure out the finances. The costs are in PKR, but you can do the maths. Also, these costs are from earlier this year, the currency has actually gone through devaluation now.

Regarding work permit, it is highly advisable to apply through your employer. But be very careful not to get involved with a third party agent/'helper'.

It would be best to visit the govt website to get accurate information.

Good luck

Thanks Xeeschan. Being an entrepreneur, it is difficult for me to get a job just to arrange work permit. I know, the agents system is a bit more flawed than in Pakistan but there can be exceptions, right?

It can get pretty messy. I have been interacting with the expat community for the last almost three years. Haven't really heard many good stories, to be really direct about it.

I've known that Turkish agents/property dealers/lawyers/accountants are very dodgy but do you think that life can be simpler for British citizens considering new govt. initiatives to attract foreign investment?

Hmmm... Myself, not being a British citizen nor an investor as such, I think it would serve us best if we hear it from a British expats. Hopefully, someone will pop up with an answer..

Good idea Xeeschan, I'll try getting in touch with British expats too.

Good luck

Hi, I hope for you that you will enjoy yourself.
As Xeechan tol third party for residence and Work permit can be very messy. The first thing you must do if ever you really need to use consultancy from a business is to ask for a contract, read it carefully. Look for the past of the company.
And very important do not, at any cost trust someone who says it will %100 get you a work or residence permit, this doesn't work. There is always a probability for a problem. And unfortunately people get scam and frauded with promises (some says they are bribing people, other tell they know someone etc...).
Howver don't worry you shouldn't have any problem in Turkey with neither authority nor people.
About your visa, if you are planning to stay longer than 90 days in Turkey you must apply for a residence permit, and if so i advice you to not get a business visa if you are planning to look for a market. It was the case of a client and unfortunately the procedure for a residence permit with a business visa is a little more complicated. Also to make a market research in Turkey you should get a Touristic Visa.
You should be able to get information from government website, if it is not the case, or you don't understand you can try consulting website, they generally provide information. *
Hope you the best, Good Luck.

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