"It's a Brazil thing"
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My wife and I have gone round and round on this issue for 7 months now. I've threatened to leave and she's threatened to leave a few times over it. The issue is her son Gustavo. He doesn't want to work. He wants to be a politician, although how he can even entertain the idea I don't know. He's got a criminal record that's pretty long, and, like I said, he doesn't want to work. In my experience in the US, if you have a criminal record you won't be elected, and you have even less of a chance if your competitor can come out and truthfully (unless your competitor is with the GOP) say "This guy hasn't held a job for years because he wants to be a politician and nothing else."
He says his "patron" won't let him get a job because .......hell, I don't know. Something about having to be available whenever the patron wants him to be. All I see is that he assumes that since I'm an American, I've got all the money in the world to feed, clothe, and house his worthless ass. This has been going on since November of last year. Even worse, he brings his girlfriend and her brat (4 years old, no manners, no discipline, just screaming and breaking things) and seems to expect me to be happy to feed them as well. It's gotten to where I am going to have to be exceedingly lucky to be able to go visit my parents for my dad's birthday at the end of July and hopefully see a childhood friend before cancer gets her. Sure, the two of them have occasionally brought a 12 pack of beer by, but they drink it like it's water and unless I grab three or four the instant it hits the freezer and stick them by my desk, I'm lucky to get one. He's also somehow come up with money to buy food for a meal here and there.
Now, a little back story on him and his mother. They're originally from Recife. His dad basically kidnapped him one day when he was only a couple of years old and brought him here to Bertioga and told his mother not a single thing. Just disappeared. Then, about 4 years ago, 20 years after they disappeared, my wife's daughter (his sister) found him on Facebook and they began to talk. My son in law paid to bring Gustavo up to Recife so they could "meet."
I've told her a number of times that I think he's worthless and needs to go because he's not contributing and just costing me money. She refuses saying it's her obligation to care for him (he's 29, by the way) and pay for everything for him. That wouldn't be so bad IF she COULD pay for much of anything for him, but with a monthly income of only R$1100, she can't pay for much of anything, especially since she has this infuriating habit of seeing something she likes and wanting to buy it, whether I think we have the money or not. She went about 4 months with a negative balance in her Itau account because of that.
Now, my question for you is this: How many of my fellow expats have experienced something like this? What did you do? Has it been resolved yet? Is this REALLY a Brazilian thing or is it just her wanting to keep her son close so she doesn't lose contact with him again? I know in the US he would have been out on his ass months ago. I don't know any parent there that would put up with it. Especially with his basically demanding that his mother and her husband pay for food and drinks for his girlfriend and her brat. Other than not giving her son any discipline (which I'm told is actually her mother's fault because she watches the kid while mom's at work) and the fact that she drinks beer like she breaths, she's pretty cool. I don't mind her presence. What I mind is that I'm being required to pay all this while I'm trying to save money to visit my parents and see an old and dear friend before she dies. I'm told this is another "Brazilian thing." "We don't worry about money like that. If we can't pay for it and still buy whatever we want whenever we want, it wasn't meant to be." I think that's BS and a cop out. I honestly don't think she wants to visit the US because it would mean her having to be uncomfortable with a language she isn't fluent in.
My friend's brother used his AmEx miles to buy our tickets last year when we first started wanting to visit and thought getting her visa would be fairly easy and require proof of roundtrip tickets. Four denials and one flight rescheduling later, at a cost of $350US per ticket), we found out the consulate likes to lie (sure, there's no problem if you reapply two weeks from now) and that getting a visa to visit the US is next to impossible unless you own your own business or make R$5000 a month or more, I had to borrow the $700US to make the final reschedule of our flight once we have her visa. However, due to what I mentioned above and lack of payment from my main client, I've had to dip heavily into that money to pay for everyday life like rent and food. This is why I've been trying so hard to get her to be more economical with everything. I made a promise to my mother that I wouldn't use that money for anything but to reschedule our flight and my wife has basically made a liar out of me.
Oh, forgot one thing. My wife says we (meaning I) have to pay for most of her daughter and son in law's food and stuff (they moved down here two months ago) because they have a young son and my son in law is on disability and isn't making what he was making when he was working. "Ok. Tell them they need to quit having a champagne style on a water budget then." "Oh, Carol can't do that. She has to buy the best clothes for Apollo (our grandson) and he has to have a new backpack for school every six months even though the only thing wrong with the previous one is that it's a little dirty." Again, "It's a Brazilian thing." And yet, I see our neighbor's kid going to school with the same backpack he's had for a couple of years now.
Yeah. I'm just a little frustrated and really scared that I'm not going to be able to visit any of my family or friends because I'm "the rich American in the family." I do have to admit that Carol and her husband Junior help what seems to be as much as they can, when they can,
Rule One: As We Prepare to Celebrate the "Boa Festival" here in Belem, let's start with Beans and Rice and Jerked Beef.
Rule Two: Learn to Say "NOA"!
Rule Three: Family is King in Brazil.
Rule Four: It is expected that as the Husband/ Gringo "You Run the Household"
Rule Five: Do as I do?. I simply Tell Everyone I ain't got it (my favorite word is NOA/NO) when it comes to Money, I will give them a bag of beans and rice.
Rule Six: You are Family Now and it is Expected for you to Yes provide and it is also Expected for all to Contribute to the running of the Household.
Rule Seven: You have Total Control being the Man of the House! Now That's The Brazilian Thing. Don't lose your Marriage over other folks Laziness.
Rule Eight: Get a Grip. My Wife's son who is 40 years old and a Professor has told his Mom, Do Not Let Alascana(me/lol) Become Brazilian ( whatever that means)
Rule Nine: Noa is a Beautiful Word!!!!.
Rule Ten: Beans,Rice,Frango and a occasional package of Beef Jerked should help folks understand a Budget. Maybe I'm a lot cantankerous in my young age of 61.
I feel your pain and trying to help you make since of it All. I tell my wife all the time she is my first priority and explain the mistreatment of her from some family members and she understands "it's either we stand United or We can part" by the way I'm winning!!!.
You got a lot on your plate and I'd serve beans and rice and half pound of frango/ chicken everyday for about 6-8 weeks and your Golden!!!!!
Rule 11: I told my Wife I am here to take care of Our Needs and with Blessing from a Higher Power " I'll work on Her Wants" cauz I want a Million Dollars.
take care.
That's my Rant.
Right now I can only afford what my old friend Mike (another Mike) calls "turkey wing soup." I've got $250US in my savings account, but nobody here is going to make me spend it on anything but rescheduling my flight. Not food. Not drinks. Not cigarettes. Problem is, because United Airlines charges $350 per ticket to reschedule, I'm now about $450US short.
I've got nothing in my PayPal account at the moment because neither of my regular clients pays by PayPal, just direct deposit to my checking account. That currently has a grand total of something like $30US at the moment.
Gustavo doesn't do much in the way of assisting. Maybe once or twice a month he'll grab a broom and sweep, but that's about it. We had to tell him to stop "cleaning" the kitchen because he moves everything around. I thought we were out of herbs and spices once after he cleaned because they weren't where we kept them. The idiot had put them in a box under the sink and put pans and cleaning supplies on top of the box. She told him to stop that sh&t.
She's told me a few times that if I keep insisting on his leaving, she would go with him after we got my residency squared away since she promised me she'd do what she had to to help me with that.
Sounds to me, you need to grab your prized possessions and depart immediately. A bunch of leaches. I would of definitely put that kid on the street a long time ago. It is true that a lot of children stick around and live with parents throughout the 20's but eventually find their way here. It is a Brasil thing! But what your living is beyond difficult, stressful and not healthy. It also sounds like you kind a have an arrangement to get permanente, there are plenty of woman out there to help you with this. In this country you can trip and fall on one.
Put your foot down, it's you or the grown man...if she chooses long lost Johhny, then put them both out on the street. If she chooses you, hurry up and get permanent so you are not a leach on her. You are a man, not a dependent in a bad situation. Good luck man! You are in deep and I hope you can dig out of this mess. That's one of the hardest things for Expats, we are not entirely self sufficient and can get in a situation where you need someone more than they need you. Which creates a situation where she knows she has the upper hand and what are you going to do about it.
I'm permanent already. Just waiting for whatever happens after getting my passport stamped and the piece of paper with my RGE and protocolo. I've actually mostly been supporting her for the past 2 years, also. I never stopped working my freelance gig when I came here 5 years ago.
Thankfully he moved in with his sister and her husband down the hall/walkway from our house. He also spends most of his time out of the house doing........something. It's a rare occasion thankfully now (the last two weeks) where I even know, besides his stuff in my wardrobe and storage bin, that he's even here. I need to wait for a couple/few weeks to see if he is going to do as he promised and transfer a piece of property to us to show property ownership at the US consulate for my wife's tourist visa. I'm also going to ask my mother to transfer me $1000 US via PayPal for me to withdraw and then deposit in her two bank accounts so we can fake an "income" of more than R$3000 per month for her, also for the visa process. I just wish the stupid US laws didn't ASSUme that everyone wants to move to our quickly-becoming-a-shithole country. Then we'd be planning our second trip instead of still trying to make our first trip.
Well glad its moving in the right direction for you. Those laws are in place for a reason and a lot of Brazilians do make that one way trip with round trip tickets. Sorry you think America is shitty, but I am absolutely happy with the direction America is going in now. The last 8 years was beyond painful and I'm glad to see we are not bending over backwards to to please the whole world. Take care and I hope your trick the system works for you, good luck!
Yes. Most of the people from Brazil that don't use their return tickets become productive members of society and the vast majority of them don't use the return tickets because they've married an American. Our country isn't the paradise that many want to believe it is. Sure, if you find a good job, you're going to make more there than you will here. But you'll also pay ten times as much in healthcare costs, if not more, and normally your rent will be at least three times as much. I pay less here for my 1 bedroom, kitchen and verandah than I would in most places in the US to simply rent a room.
The last 8 years were the best 8 years outside of Clinton's 8 years. The US was regaining respect around the world. Now it's even more of a laughingstock than it was under Bush Jr.
As a vet, I can't respect a president who doesn't uphold and respect The Constitution which I bled to protect. Comrade trumpsky's silencing of reporters that ask him hard questions and calling those that out his failures and fallacies fake news is beyond repugnant. I'm seeing thousands of people that voted for the idiot now saying how sorry they did. With one or two exceptions, everyone I know back in the US is sick of his lies and idiocy. Now he's complaining that Democratic members of the Senate aren't confirming people for administration positions that he hasn't even nominated yet. This presidency is a train wreck and I'm really afraid he's going to take the whole country down with him when he falls, if not the world. He's small and petty enough to "push the button" just because someone made him mad. He's shown over and over that he has the maturity of a pre-schooler. My apologies to pre-schoolers.
Thank you. I'm really hoping that combining my proof of legal residency, an income of more than R$3500 a month, and hopefully a piece of land, plus both of her kids and all 6 of her grandkids living within walking distance of us is enough to get them to give her the visa.
As a vet, I did 21 years and we had zero respect with the last president. At least now the rest of the world will think twice before engaging us. I respect your opinion, but you are way off base. The liberal agrenda drove America into the ground and if you look across the ocean you will see what it's doing to our brothers in England.
The whole world needs the USA to be Strong
just look at the Alternatives,,,,,
i think they have the right person in power to do it
from a Brit
Liberal agenda in England? You call the possible closing of the NHS/NIH a liberal agenda?
Yes. The rest of the world might think twice about engaging us because the tweeter in chief might just lose the last marble in his head and drop nukes, starting the end of life on this planet. How much did his being in office deter any of the recent attacks that were chalked up to terrorism? Zero? Less than zero? Little heads up: Like the Japanese during WWII, they WANT to die, so the threat of nukes falling on them isn't a deterrent at all. Also, if you look at it logically, his rhetoric is creating more terrorists, driving more people TO ISIS than away from it.
What alternatives would that be Pete? Other countries and peoples being left alone and allowed to govern themselves for once in the last 50 years? The Western world's meddling in the internal affairs of the Middle East is what created these terrorists in the first place; is what caused them to be so pissed off at us. It's not our way of life, it's not our democracy, it's not christianity. It's our eternal meddling over there. If it were our way of life or our (your, I'm Pagan) christianity, we would have been having Islamic terrorists for centuries. It wasn't until the Pope told the Catholic knights of Europe that if they kill enough Muslims, god will grant them entrance to heaven that we saw even a little bit of terrorist activity and it's only since our meddling over there in THEIR affairs that that activity has increased.
The whole world needs the USA to worry about what happens within the borders of the USA. Let's clean up our little dirty dog pile before we worry about the dog piles of other countries.
But, this really isn't supposed to be a forum for political chatter. If you want that, look me up on Facebook and we'll talk. My name there is Mike Aguilar
The NHS, is a wondefull thing, if you can a afford it, The GB can't,.... To meany people take out
Theres a lot of countrys around the world want The USA to pay, but with no "say",, well thats not how it Works
Money makes the world go round,
what ever you think of the USA Good or bad,, its still the best big boy on the block
Pay with no say for what and who?
That depends on how you define "the best big boy on the block." Other than guns per capita, incarcerated per capita, cost of healthcare, length of incarcerations, and other negative benchmarks, the US doesn't lead in much of anything. Percentage of people with health coverage, higher education rates, renewable energy usage, poverty, and other prime benchmarks show us way down on the list of developed countries in ranking. We also rank pretty high on both the world and among developed nations in shooting deaths/woundings per capita lists.
I've also been a big proponent of cutting 90% of the US budget for foreign aid for decades. Countries with prosperous economies like Israel should not be recipients of our tax dollars when our economy and people are not doing as well as they could be doing.
Mike, glad you jumped ship. America is an awful place for you. Look at the statistics of the last 8 years under a public organizer. You are spot on, now we have a real leader. Someone who is looking out for the working man, not lining their pockets. America may not be perfect but I will never talk bad about it. I served that nation with a signed blank check wrote out as my life is payment if it's needed. I would look you up on FB but it would be a lost cause. You can't debate a liberal, once you get them on one topic they yell squirrel...look over here at this said problem. I was supporting you through this thread but now I'm pissed you are trying to game the system to take your arrangement for a visit to America. Wonder what the embassy would think of that. I'm not petty and won't Whatsapp my friends there, but do me a favor and do the right thing. I'm out, no more comments.
Shame on you Mike, you've been very naughty.....
Spending mothers ticket money like that and then trying to game the US Embassy!
Ding,Ding a Welterweight here, the last 24 years has been a Train Wreck and as James would say "If you see a light at the end of a tunnel, rest assured it's a Train coming"
I also served my country and my career started under Tricky Dick now those were good years after that it all went down the crapper and as for the last guy/ gurl or whatever he is or was??? For me it was the worst 8 years of life in the states, it all sucked, what happened to shovel ready jobs, what happened to the economy, all our jobs went oversees, look at Detroit and a few other once healthy cities and states. So let's play hard ball the last guy didn't do a fricking thing other than pretend he was born in the states and another thing I am a minority member and that last guy needs to be kicked in the face and Azz at the same time he was fricking worthless and a pos. Now the new guy is spot on he's taking the talk now I will give him a chance to walk the walk. I left the states for it was on the verge of all out chaos and if you live on a pension which will not exist in the future due to the mishandling of the economy over the last 24 years and now people want to blame the new guy in town (go figure) I don't deal with mainstream media and we all have our own agenda and beliefs and freedom of speech. It has all been a set up remember cash for clunkers well look at the auto industry today and the subprime loans on housing and auto's? I voted for the new guy for I was sick of being a slave on the other parties plantation at least here my meager pension goes a long frickn way. I carried my medical over from my work with the government and glad I didn't fall for the last guys frickn tax, his Healthcare plan what a bunch of horse manure total kaka. I got sick of sucking hind tit (lol) and drinking sour milk, I moved here for the beef and of course the Lady.👄 in my life. I love the states yet I became disenchanted and it's going be a lot of people crying and dying for the shape of things to come. I am a survivalist and proud of it for survival in the states soon will be similar to living in the "City of God" or pick any Favela and that will be life in the states. And yes I bought my stash of silver with me (lol)
A ounce of silver in Venezuela will buy one 6 months of food. At least here I have a choice in GMO or Non GMO or fresh from the farm to the table and everything isn't wrapped in plastic. Gentlemen and Ladies I am in "Survival Mode" and in my opinion and we know opinions are like AH, everyone's got one (jus sayn). The states is no place to be now, the college grads are sleeping in there mom's basement and looking for a hand out not a hand up, unemployment try 25 million,try a 100 million on some form of government assistance and Healthcare is as good as long as you got the dollars so I try not to get sick and avoid hospitals even to visit people and yes I am a germ phobe (lol).
I am a Proud Veteran, Proud of my Country and Extremely Proud of the new guy leading my Countty and about those SanctuaryCities and the Travel Ban love it. The Poverty and dependant of People on the government started 24 years ago and now what a fine mess it is. In closing Don't H8 the Players, H8 da Game. It's all El Toro Kaka.
I'm about Being Gr8 Again. That's my RANT and take on Life Beyond Those United States.
Our jobs started going overseas under Ray-Gun. That only accelerated under both Bushes. I had several jobs during those administrations where my job was to pack up operations for shipment overseas.
I'm not going to talk politics with people that are deluded.
Deluded...is the guy putting his business on the street.
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Yes. The "Brazilian thing" that I've been wondering whether or not it really is a "Brazilian thing" or just my wife not wanting her son not living under her roof because there was so long when she had no idea where he was and wanted to get to know him, even if what she was getting to know she didn't like too much.
Hi Mike
Having someone that, wants to live, and stay. With you and without contributing and not not paying for the keep,,,,
Dont sound like a Brazilian thing, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but more like a socialist thing,
Up the worker's
It sounds like what western students was taught was the socialist thing, yes. But real life has shown that teaching to be untrue. We were taught that the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact countries were communist, too, but that was also a lie. They were dictatorships, a fact that is anathema to true communist principles of everyone being equal.
It's a lack of character, respect for self and others, and an inherent laziness. And he's taking advantage of the fact that there was a 23+ year gap when he and his mother never saw each other and she wants to get to know him again.
This is not a United States Policy and Political Forum. Please stop the political talk. If I wanted that I would join an political form. I am here because I am an expat to Brazil.
Billmond131 wrote:This is not a United States Policy and Political Forum. Please stop the political talk. If I wanted that I would join an political form. I am here because
it did not start as a United States Policy and Political Forum but it ended up as one, but that how it go's some time
I am an expat to Brazil. ???????????????? what does mean
I'm an Expat too? I want to know what that means too? Am I special...LOL
We may not agree on US politics, but we all agree that it's better to watch US politics from here in Brazil where the effect it has on us is limited than to experience it firsthand. I will admit that I'm getting tired of being put through 20 questions every time I tell a Brazilian that I'm an American. I think I may start telling people I'm Canadian just I can stop having to answer all the trump questions.
Should we debate whether or not we feel the attack on the pedestrians in front of the mosque in Finsbury Park in England was terrorism, or just a mad dog individual like we would be if it happened in the US?
Billmond131 wrote:This is not a United States Policy and Political Forum. Please stop the political talk. If I wanted that I would join an political form. I am here because I am an expat to Brazil.
Some people can't take a joke and BTW who are you to come out of nowhere and kick a dead horse. We ended this conversation and here comes Dusty to start a storm. Lighten up guy must be a liberal and I am a extra special expat. I am laying in my bed, how about you and another thing (lol) that's my Rant.
Alascana wrote:must be a liberal and I am a extra special expat. I am laying in my bed, how about you and another thing (lol) that's my Rant.
You guys here are the most lucid-thinking and talking conservatives I've seen on social media in about 5 years. I wouldn't go there. Both sides of the aisle has its own special breed of juvenile idiots. I've been called everything from a gay to a "tranny lover" by American conservatives for having married a Brazilian. I've also been called "anti-American" and "a terrorist lover" for living in Brazil. By American conservatives.
Oh, and I used to vote Republican until I grew up.
Mike in São Paulo wrote:Alascana wrote:must be a liberal and I am a extra special expat. I am laying in my bed, how about you and another thing (lol) that's my Rant.
You guys here are the most lucid-thinking and talking conservatives I've seen on social media in about 5 years. I wouldn't go there. Both sides of the aisle has its own special breed of juvenile idiots. I've been called everything from a gay to a "tranny lover" by American conservatives for having married a Brazilian. I've also been called "anti-American" and "a terrorist lover" for living in Brazil. By American conservatives.
Oh, and I used to vote Republican until I grew up.
You are being ridiculous, why are you on this forum, go write a book or find another source of entertainment . You are the most offensive AH I have ever encountered on this forum,
your self importance and El Toro Kaka leaves a lot to be desired. You have no common sense and I must admit you are the sharpest tool in the shed. You continue to stir up the dead and another thing get a life for we all know about yours. You come on this forum looking for a fight and I guess the truth hurts. May I suggest you read the Forums policy on Politics and put a plug in it for a pill would be a waste of medication.
LOL. Ok. I take back what I said about you. I thought you were sane and lucid. I'm not the one that started belittling the political views of someone else just because I don't agree with them. But that's cool. If you prefer to play in the gated kindergarten yard, I'll leave you to it.
Mike in São Paulo wrote:LOL. Ok. I take back what I said about you. I thought you were sane and lucid. I'm not the one that started belittling the political views of someone else just because I don't agree with them. But that's cool. If you prefer to play in the gated kindergarten yard, I'll leave you to it.
At least I am not on the Short Bus, and I meant everthing I said liberals allways Yell Squirrel or I am Sorry, here some education for you the Short bus rider " Sorry is found in the Dictionary between
kaka and a disease. May I suggest you get your shot./lol
LIke the Russians, I have pushed the Ruddy Button Down. And another thing quit interupting grown folks and when you meet up with Special Ex tomorrow tell him I said your a piece of work.
Have good night for my night is excellent. Misery loves Company.
nuff said./lol while smh.
spanishpete wrote:Calm down boys
Nope it's "Rope a Dope" time/lol
I like taking the trash out/ that's my rant.
Wow, what a similar issue I have with my Brazilian wife, her son named Gustavo and family. When I first started to read your post i thought did i write this while drunk and don't remember...hehehe
Anyhow, very similar. My wife went to America when her Gustavo was only 3 yrs old and she left him with her mother for the 12 years she was there. She worked very hard in the U.S. saving every penny. Upon her return she paid cash for a building that has 8 office units that she rents out and a 4 bdrm, 3 bath beautiful home. She basically has given the home to her family (which I don't mind) She pays absolutely everything for her Gustavo (which sometimes I do mind, when it takes away from us), pays for a maid to clean their house once a week and gives her mom a 500 Real allowance monthly.
Her Gustavo is 20 years old at this point. He does not work nor does her mother. He does not look for work, nor does her mother. She makes excuses for both as to why. But she also tells of her guilt for leaving her son for so long.
I think what you face is not a solo issue with your wife or mine. It is a Brazilian thing and a Woman thing so to speak and guilt that both women bear for not being (regardless of it not being their fault) in their sons lives for their childhood. Your wife had her son taken, not her fault. My wife made a choice with the help of her family to leave to America so that she could work and bring this family literally out of the gutter and poverty. But both as women and mothers now feel a special guilt and will do anything to try to fix or repair those feelings.
It is also a Brazilian thing in that Brazilian people and families are quite close, especially the women. You will often see a household with three generations of family living in it. Brazillian women and families are quite different in how they regard and care for these family members.
I have tried as you to put my foot down on more than one occasion especially when I am and my living are effected by this giving of money. But, in the end, I believe both women will let us Walk rather than tale care of their so called babies and family, both because of it being a Brazilian and a Woman (mother) thing
I am a dual Citizen of both Canada and the US, and I tell people as does my wife that I am Canadian just to avoid all the questions, comments and hurt feelings that arise if people in Brazil think your American.
Ljd wrote:I am a dual Citizen of both Canada and the US, and I tell people as does my wife that I am Canadian just to avoid all the questions, comments and hurt feelings that arise if people in Brazil think your American.
Yeah, every time I go to town here I'm asked why so many Americans are so stupid and screwed up that we have the so-called "president" we currently have. I have no answer.
I am very proud to be an American. That’s ashame you guys are not. Even with the last administration I was proud to be an American even though I thought our president was horrible. President Trump is doing a great job: stock market at an all time high, unemployment at lowest level in 17 years, GDP is gaining at 3% a quarter, etc...
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