Partnership visa

I am engage to 71 years old kiwi. Im 30 years old. I have never been married. His marriage has been dissolve last month. We were planning to get married in new zealand. Everything is now prepared, from wedding gowns, rings, wedding venue.  I have been decline 2 times applying visa to NZ. one for tourist visa and the second is work visa under partnership. I met him and live together  in a lease apartment for one month. He needs to go back to NZ his health conditions deteriorate here in the philippines. It was his first time here. Im now confuse of what would be the right visa for both of us??  I would love to here any tips. Thank you .

You need to apply for a partnership visa.

Hi stumpy. I already visit to that site plenty of times.. still failed. I already used immigration specialist but still was failed. Just confuse of what visa would i have to get.

The sites are difficult to navigate.

Partnership visa is the only one you can apply for. You initially need to apply for temporary partnership visa. … oin-family

Click on and open the link above.The forms you will need are numbers, 1198,1199 and your NZ partner will need number 1146.

All information there.

I was using the form 1198 and for my partner was form 1146. We supply all the evidence recquirements that stated on the site. But when the decline paper come out. It was different from what the site said.  They were asking for financial arrangements in case the relationship breakdowns..

You and your partner will need to show all financials to prove that you can support yourselves without being a burden on the govt.

Dear Vheibe!
My reply may disturb you but it may be factual and real.

To the best of what I have understood as the reason for your rejection, it seems that your partner is already old and not able to do any job/work anymore. There would be a time nearby (If he doesn't own a property in NZ) when he would shift at one of the old homes. Immigration NZ considers all these stats and realities while granting a visa.

What you could do is to provide enough evidence of finances that God forbids even if any mishap happens, you can survive on your own. Your approach of visa application is correct however.

Hi Dear , how did your application go ?

Could you pease guide me on my post too, would be a great help. Thanks in advance

Crazibee wrote:

Could you pease guide me on my post too, would be a great help. Thanks in advance

Have already replied to your post on the other forum. Cheers!

Hi! I found this, maybe you can apply for a Partner of a New Zealander Resident Visa. I found this article  and I think it may help you