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Hi Everyone

Just wanted to take this brief opportunity to introduce myself to everyone. My name is Stephen and I will be moving to DR around Aug/Sept time, whilst I have been there numerous times on business for around 7-10 days consecutively around 6 times a year this will be more of a longer term move and stay. I will be working in the San Pedro De Marcois area for at least a minimum of 12 months on a construction project with options for another 5-10 years.

I normally stay in a Airbnb whilst I'm there but now require a more long term apartment rental for at least 12 months minimum. Also the usual stuff like buying a used car and trying to make new friends. Whilst I'm used to expat life having lived in Dubai and Oman before DR is relatively new to me especially as I don't speak any Spanish.

Any tips and advise would be greatly appreciated like where to rent and buy a car etc.


See also

Living in Dominican Republic: the expat guideCONNECTING WITH CANADIAN EXPAT GROUPS VIA FACEBOOK / INSTAGRAMSeeking Business opportunity on North CoastSIM CARD SWITCHING FOR NEWBIESMoving to DR

Welcome Stephen. Wow this is an adventure for you. First I suggest you start reading the threads, lots of info in here.

San Pedro is not a high tourist area so you are completely immersed in the culture! 

Apt - find areas you like and walk them looking for rentals. If you have a local ask them to call for info. Make sure to understand the contract you sign.

Will you have residency? That's the only way to get a driver's license honey.  You will find more car options in Santo Domingo,  that's where I am if I can help let me know. Make sure you have anything checked by a mechanic and Carfax!


Thanks for the quick response.

Yes will be applying for residency did try to do it all honestly at the DR embassy in London but  found it a total waste of time and $800, so will do the normal thing and pay the $2000 and get it done via other channels when I'm back in DR lol.

Because I'm travelling back to the UK every 6 weeks or so for a week I was told I could drive on my UK license whilst I'm there until I secure my residency etc. Does that sound about right to you? So hard to tell what to believe and what not to.

Whilst I'm here do you have any meet up groups for expats etc?

Kind regards


Hi honey you are getting some incorrect info.

You MUST start residency offshore not here. Once you finish part one you then come here and deposit those docs plus your application. Go find the pinned thread on residency.

Your driver's license is good for 30 days on a tourist visa unless you extend it each and every time. You cannot apply for license until you get your actual cedula. Once you apply for residency it will take 6 to 9 months to actually get the cards.  Yes, it can happen faster but that is unusual. Lawyer tells you 3 months they are lying to you.


Thanks for that, will get it sorted.
Please let me know if there are any ex pat meet up groups like what Inter nations site does. Chat soon :)

Kind regards


As far as I know only Internations here in SD. Happy to meet for coffee any time you are in SD.


Sounds good, will drop you  a line when I'm next in SD :)


Articles to help you in your expat project in Dominican Republic

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