Hi Ab3
Just putting an update to what I mentioned yesterday, please note that JF has expanded the language fluency requirement, the info is mentioned below:
"Article 5 For the investigation of the procedure provided for in item I of article 1, proof of the ability to communicate in Portuguese language will be given, considering the conditions of the applicant, by submitting one of the following documents:
I - certificate of:
a) proficiency in Portuguese for foreigners obtained through the Celpe-Bras Exam, conducted by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira - INEP;
b) completion of higher education or post-graduation, held in a Brazilian educational institution, registered with the Ministry of Education;
c) approval in the examination of the Brazilian Bar Association - OAB applied by the sectional units of the Brazilian Bar Association;
d) completion of a Portuguese language course directed at immigrants carried out in an institution of higher education recognized by the Ministry of Education; or
e) approval in evaluation of the communication capacity in Portuguese language applied by a higher education institution recognized by the Ministry of Education in which a language course mentioned in item "d" is offered;
II - proof of:
a) completion of elementary or secondary education through the National Exam for Certification of Young and Adult Skills - ENCCEJA; or
b) enrollment in a higher education institution recognized by the Ministry of Education as a result of passing a university entrance exam or taking advantage of a grade obtained in the National High School Examination (ENEM);
III - appointment to the position of professor, technician or scientist resulting from the approval of a competition promoted by a public university;
IV - history or equivalent document that proves completion in elementary, middle or supplementary education, carried out in a Brazilian educational institution, recognized by the competent Education Department; or
V - diploma of Medicine course revalidated by Institution of Public Higher Education after approval obtained in the National Exam of Medical Diplomas Issued by Institutions of Higher Foreign Education - REVALIDA applied by INEP.
§ 1 The proof of compliance with the requirement set forth in this article is exempt from national applicants from Portuguese-speaking countries.
Paragraph 2. The diplomas or documents equivalent to the completion of the courses referred to in item "b" of item I and in item IV that have been carried out in an educational institution of Portuguese-speaking countries will be accepted, provided there is legalization in Brazil, according to legislation in force. "(NR)
Hope this helps!!