
EP rejected due to advertisement issue

Last activity 02 May 2020 by TimeisPrecious

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My HR have submitted for EP on Jul 26th 2019 and it got rejected on 5th Aug 2019 due to Job advertisement issue(Your Employment Pass applications have exceeded the vacancies for this job advertisement. Please post another or Jobs Bank advertisement for the additional vacancies for at least 14 days. Then, if you still wish to employ this candidate after you have considered all applicants fairly, you can appeal with the new job posting ID.). They posted new job advertisement and appealed on Aug 21st after waiting for 14days. It's been 4 weeks still Appeal status is pending in portal.

Please guide me, my EP is rejected only due to advisement issue or is there any other information is missing in the application?

Have they already verified all other information provided me? (Education, experience, salary etc)

When I can expect the outcome?

Thanks in Advance...


Nobody knows exact reason but check with your employer whether they have any idea on rejection.

But, it’s mandatory to advertise a job for two weeks at job bank. Ask your employer to appeal once two weeks passed by and provide rationale why they want to hire you. Good luck


Below reason I got from MoM,

Your Employment Pass applications have exceeded the vacancies for this job advertisement. Please post another [link under review] or Jobs Bank advertisement for the additional vacancies for at least 14 days. Then, if you still wish to employ this candidate after you have considered all applicants fairly, you can appeal with the new job posting ID.

Is this only reason for the rejection?
Application met all other requirements?


From the above statement, looks like this is the issue.


Hello Surya, Beppi,

I got my EP approved today. Thanks for all the help:-)

Here is overall time it took:

1st EP application: Aug 13
Rejected on : Aug 21 ( due to Salary range issue)

HR submitted new job ad for 14 days

New EP applied on : Sept 11
Approved : Sept 21

Is it now safe to resign from my current organisation?

Thanks !


Once new EP is approved, it’s safe to resign with your present employer. Good luck


Hi All,

My rejected EP got approved yesterday.

I will share my experience very soon.

Thank you so much Surya.

Davansachi wrote:

Hi All,

My rejected EP got approved yesterday.

I will share my experience very soon.

Thank you so much Surya.

congratulations! please share!

nampujara wrote:

Hello Surya, Beppi,

I got my EP approved today. Thanks for all the help:-)

Here is overall time it took:

1st EP application: Aug 13
Rejected on : Aug 21 ( due to Salary range issue)

HR submitted new job ad for 14 days

New EP applied on : Sept 11
Approved : Sept 21

Is it now safe to resign from my current organisation?

Thanks !

Could you tell me from where did you start? I'm a beginner into this job hunting things.

asela28sl wrote:

Could you tell me from where did you start? I'm a beginner into this job hunting things.

The forum contains lots of good advice on all aspects, from finding suitable employers to securiung the necessary work visa. Please use the search function and read as much of it as possible.
If you then still have specific questions that were not adressed already, you may come back and post them here.
Good luck!


Hello everyone,

My EP application has been submitted by the Employer on 12/09/19 along with 3 other applicants.
Today 02/10/19 all other applicants got approved expat me. Mine got rejected and no other reason given.
Called MOM myself and they said we can not give you the answer but seems like you did not meet the qualifications criteria for the EP ask your employer to call us and get information about the appeal process.
It is strange since all other 3 applicants have the same salary.
does this relate to Nationality? (The officer said we are not restricted to any nationality)
Its so strange why they can get approved but I cant.
Note: no adverts records!
Im just 7/8 years older than other applicants.

Company: well known
Position: Civil Engineer( Fresh Graduate)
Salary: meets the criteria
Nationality of applicants: Malaysian,chinese (china), turkish (me)

Danial83 wrote:

seems like you did not meet the qualifications criteria

This is as good an answer as you will get. It means the reason is not the company, the jobs market or the salary, but something to do with you and your background.

Danial83 wrote:

Position: Civil Engineer( Fresh Graduate)
Nationality of applicants: Malaysian,chinese (china), turkish (me)

It is very difficult for fresh graduates to get a work pass. Did the other two also have no work experience?
And while no nationality is preferred, the Chinese racial background of the others certainly helped.



It is true..even I had some certificates and some extra self extra learning skills but it did not help me at all.
The other candidates also had no experience but they got approved.
The HR read the reason for me over the phone and basically they said that my qualification and experience is not matching the criteria of EP hence SG fresh graduates are priority.

The HR also mentioned that they do not have the SPass quota so it better off to withdraw the application.

This is a sad and racial experience I have gained from Singapore.

Not sure if I apply for other positions with other companies will get the same results or better off to work in UAE instead for some years then try to apply again...

What makes me disappointed is that at least they could have rejected me much earlier!


Ok so I found the problem after calling MOM many times.. they answered that the HR filed 5 years of relevant experience to my application and that is why the experience and the salary doesn’t match.
The officer also mentioned to ask the company to call us and amend the experience and appeal. 
She also said it has nothing to do with your nationality or religion as she herself is a muslim.

I called the company but the attitude seems that they are not willing to appeal. They kept saying that it’s because of your nationality and even we appeal it will be rejected. She also mentioned that we have no Spass quota at the moment.

I called back MOM and the same kind lady told me that it is not true and they can call to find out the reason themselves and they can make some adjustments to appeal. She also said that they have Spass quotas.

I think because the junior HR made a mistake on filling up my file she kept on trying to give me some excuses. I think her manager does not know about this and she has definitely did not tell the manager as this mistake could make some negative impact on her or maybe they hired another person within 2 days..
whatever the reason behind this story is I am going to find out by dropping by the company early morning to have a word with HR manager.
If They still refuse to appeal then I guess I have no choice to say bye and make a small complaint at MOM and leave this country asap.


If this is the reason for your application got rejected then you should reach out your hiring manager along with HR team by dropping a mail and request them to appeal with correct input.

Your employer should appeal in this case as they must have a long term vision on a candidate before selecting him or her. When the candidate is foreigner then they must have higher thought process before they select.

If the reason is something else (your HR must have got MoM message on rejection with one or two liner), which they should figure out the possible reason. Good luck


Thanks surya, I really appreciate your supports and advise!

Yes you are undisputedly correct.I spoke directly with the MOM officer myself 3/4 times and she kept on saying there is no issue with you nationality and religion as herself is a muslim.

I have consulted with almost everyone and they all say the same thing you have advised. The reason that the junior HR does not want to call MOM or even finds out about the rejection is that she has made a mistake and this can make a negative reputation on her profile or even she may be asked by the HR manager for further explanations.
Actually every time the MOM rejects a candidate they will send a general rejection letter and this is the company responsibility to call and detect the exact issue.
I will personally go to the company myself tomorrow and will speak to HR manager directly as she may not be aware of all these things.

It is very sad that the way this procedure works. A human can make a mistake and make another human to loose a job and stop them from take some bread home...


This is a very interesting turn of events. Please report the outcome here!
You cannot force the company to appeal or do anything further - you depend on their goodwill. Also, they might decide that saving the errant HR person’s face is more important than giving you a job.
Good luck - you will need it!


It’s moreover employer’s approach towards this case. As Beppi said if employer doesn’t want to appeal with correct data then its fruitless no matter whatever you try at your end.

You may start looking for another job with a new employer. Good luck

surya2k wrote:

You may start looking for another job with a new employer. Good luck

This is very good advice - it’s always better to have a Plan B!


So as I said earlier, My plan was to go to the company and speak to HR manager directly.
For some unknown but obvious reasons the front desk claimed that the Manager is not in today. Shortly, I met another person who she did not introduce herself as well as her position but most likely from the same gang or I shall say the team.

She listened to my story and said we will have a discussion by today but also she mentioned that If we appeal and you get rejected then you will be ok and withdraw? I paused and smiled and replied: yes!

Respectively, when I ask her that what makes them a trouble by calling the MOM to find rejected reasons.. she replied back that we have had alot of rejections so therefore we do not bother to call or find out more...
This rang a bell in my head that I chose a wrong company and the way their attitude is towards employees right off the bet can determine what kind of people or work culture I am putting myself into.. the way how irresponsible they are could just mean that if x gets rejected oh well Lets bring Y in and apply for Y.

anyhow short story.. I got an email from the same HR who lied about Spass Quota that they have filed an appeal and should get the results within another beautiful 3 weeks!
How much I can trust her? Zero to none!
Do I care about this company anymore? Not to be honest their professionalism made me to regret my time and effort.

I called MOM again today to verify and some dude on the phone said Yes they have appealed but did not give me anymore information. Do I believe him? Not to be honest with you! Seems like lying is a habit...

Surya and Beppi, I believe it will take some time to see the status on E-portal from rejected to pending ( if the company appealed)  within a few business days correct me if I am wrong.

I will not count on this opportunity but I needed to fight for the last second without being surrendered.. I have fallen many times in my life and this will not be the last one! Life is all about challenges and experience to gain and learn for a better future!!

I will be leaving this country as soon as finish this comment for you great guys and I hope I never get back here or east asia again...




Surya and Beppi, I believe it will take some time to see the status on E-portal from rejected to pending ( if the company appealed)  within a few business days correct me if I am wrong.

Sorry, on any appeal, the status will be remaining same (I.e Rejected). The status will only change when the appeal is successful. Then status will change to “approved”. Don’t get dishearten because of some unprofessionals in this industry. Have patience and wait for your time. Good luck


Thanks surya!

Although this company e-mailed and said they will appeal, I do not buy their words.. I am preparing to move to Europe or UAE where they recognize skills and talents and pay attention to hardworking individuals.
I wish you a happy and healthy moments at all times!


Even though this company seems unprofessional in HR matters, you are not fair in generalizing this to the whole of Singapore and, later, East Asia!
It is of course your decision and you are free to use this incident to have a grudge against Asians (60% of the world population) and all the opportunities they bring. But I believe that this could have happened anywhere (and does not depend on the colour of the skin or shape of the eyes.
Good luck - you will need it!


Thanks .. I think the freedom of speech still exist but not somewhere in east asia.. having said that, lived in malaysia for 7 years, been around from japan to cambodia .. the culture for me is still different.. the society is not well civilized compare to the rest of the world.the culture of having money means you are the boss still exist so the amount in population does not rectify the facts.. I do get your point but that is my personal opinion.

I wish you happiness at the end. ( you also need it)


Judging cultures, as you just did above, is a dubious practice, as it is bound to offend and thus divides rather than unites.
Thanks for your wishes, but I found happiness in most places I lived in - and in the very few instances where I didn’t (Japan and Thailand), it wasn’t because their culture was wrong, but because I wasn’t able to deal with it in the right way. I would move there again nevertheless, if an occasion arises, and probably handle it better.
In my personal opinion (which is of course debatable), chasing money (which I do not engage in, despite 15 years in East Asia) is still far preferable to other, dogmatic worldviews that by their very definition raise their adherents above others - for example most religions. They are incompatible with the tolerance, understanding, peace and unity humankind needs!


You can only say that in your opinion and nothing wrong with that. What I say is my opinion and is ok whether you get offended as an asian or not.
And about your religion quote..I will just leave it that I prefer to directly ignore you...
I am not sure about you, just there is an energy that doesn’t allow me to feel you .. I have seen your comments on other forums too .. you tend to be very negative and arrogant.
Sorry I can not keep on replying..

You have a happy and positive one ( u need it!!)


Hi surya,

Just got a called from the company and they informed me again that they made an appeal. Not sure why they called? Maybe they just wanted to know if I am still interested to continue with them.. although I really did not want to continue but the benefit will shine on me if 0.01 percent I get an approval so I didn't say no ..

1.When the company appeals, does it technically ring the bell in officer mind that the company is serious and demanding to have me? As of being a good point?

I called MOM they verified that the company appealed, process should take within 3 weeks.
The status will be changed from rejected to pending within 3/4 days.

2. Due to your experience on this platform, when MOM officer discloses the main reason for rejection and if the company comes up with a valid reason/ adjust some changes, is that a approval automatically or they still can come up with some other excuses as a reason for a new rejection?

Thanks buddy, your information is valuable and respectful!


I have already informed you that post rejection if employer appeals then your rejection status doesn’t change. If appeal gets successful then only it will change to approval or else it remains rejected.

Further, the reason of rejection must have addressed in employer’s appeal. Or else there is no point to appeal on rejection.

MoM does consider an appeal if it has addressed successfully to the reason for rejection. Good luck


What is the safest salary range for approval of epass?

Miralaudicho wrote:

What is the safest salary range for approval of epass?

Please read existing forum discussions before posting a question -this has been mentioned many times!
EPOnline willgive you the minimum salaryforappovalfor your case,but many other factors are also considered.


Hi Guys,

Has anyone received an approval or update from MOM on their application after 9th April 2020.


Did you get any outcome from MOM yet?

TimeisPrecious wrote:

Did you get any outcome from MOM yet?

No . Still waiting for appeal outcome . It's been 5 weeks now since the appeal. May i know ur timeline ?


Submitted on 7th Apr.  No update so far.

TimeisPrecious wrote:

Submitted on 7th Apr.  No update so far.

EP fresh application or appeal ? also , are you in SG ?


It's a fresh application. And yes I am in SG.



Got outcome as its been 3 weeks now? My new application will be put by this week to MOM.



No outcome yet. I am not sure why it is in pending status. The Employment agency who helped file the application on behalf of my employer did follow up with MOM multiple times but no updates or reason was provided.

TimeisPrecious wrote:


No outcome yet. I am not sure why it is in pending status. The Employment agency who helped file the application on behalf of my employer did follow up with MOM multiple times but no updates or reason was provided.

MOM currently processing very few applications and no update when they would start processing applications with the normal time frame. The delay reason is due to the COVID19 situation.

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