
Finally got the move done! We're here

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My dog and I have arrived in Cabrera and have been graciously assisted every step of way by Mrs. Denise Bess of DR Oceanview Realty.

Because I have a big black dog (a sweetheart of a Lab) I am moving about from time to time to various houses and getting to see more of the environs and meet more folks.  Move down was easy, I only brought two suitcases and a dog :)

I am going to see how to perhaps continue the work the foundation I established in my son's name after his death, which had helped kids in the states, can assist here as well.

Thanks for all the good thoughts and this feels REALLY GOOD!

Kind regards,



Congrats Jay!  We arrived here on July 8 and just received our cedulas last Friday. We left our dog George in the States with his grandparents until we can get him here, hopefully in the next 60 days!  Happy everything worked out for you. It takes some moxy and faith things are going to work out to make that leap. We are happy we did!   Dave


Jay, I wish you well in your new venture. You appear to have good ideas which could suit DR.

Your choice of venue is good. Away from the crowds, away from the towns and cities.

Good luck in Cabrera.

I've just moved from the capital into deep campo south of Cotui, near the pineapple capital of DR - Cevicos. Busy as hell, back again in the campo and it is a breath of fresh air.

Rocky best wishes too, make the most of this beautiful country.


Welcome to paradise honey!


Thank you for the reply.

You, Planner and Tinker have been invaluable.

I've moved four times thus far (and by 'moved' I mean total uproots after some disaster of one kind or another, generally with what I could carry in the bed of my truck) and I have to say, in some ways this was the toughest (A NEW COUNTRY!!! WTF??)  Numerous other than those, but it is those,  which really tell the tale. 

And this was two suitcases and a dog.

But in many ways this has been the easiest.

I have never been welcomed as I have here. 

If English were the primary language you couldn't get a seat on the plane coming this way.

Thanks again,



Keep up with the updates, always like to read about the transitions.


Thanks DRV, I am more able to do updates on FB, Jay Reynolds, Oil City, Louisiana.

Kind regards,



Hey Jay, after seeing your post I had to post and sing your praises a bit too!  You have shown so much courage after the year you have had to make such a big move.  Your helpful and courteous spirit will go a long way in this friendly and generous country.  It has healed many expats who have the right attitude and you have that in an abundance.  We hope the best for you and look forward to see your wonderful contribution to this country we love. :D


I'm down here with two suitcases and my dog and I'm going to do what I can.... I will keep you guys posted as I cull through ideas and figure out what to do about housing over time.

For the meantime Denise Bess of DR Oceanview realty has gotten me an immense house that is in a gated community, some work being done.

Were it not just off the pavement I suspect it would be rented  non-stop.  As it was the owner really liked the idea of having an older guy with 'a big black' dog in the place so is proceeding apace with some additional improvements.

Like getting the TWO swimming pools filled and running.  What???

Its absurdly inexpensive and she has helped me every step of the way from showing me around when I first came to visit in December of 2018 until now.

Thank you for the kind words,


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