How to be happy as an expat in Belgium

Hi everyone,

Being happy is surely our common goal, whether we are living in Belgium as an expat or somewhere else.
We would love to know your tips and tricks to be fully fulfilled and happy as an expat in your host country.

New environment may require new habits. Which habits did you have to implement to live a good life in Belgium?

How do you keep stress in check? Which activities or mantras help you in that regard?

How to form meaningful connections and create a support system in Belgium on which you can rely on?

How to track your goals and achieve them without feeling overwhelmed?

What did you learn from Belgians about the notion of happiness and how does it inspire you?

Thanks for your contribution!

Cheryl, team

Nice topic. I think it's important to reach out to people and build up your social circle. To go out of our comfort zone. I find most locals quite reserved but that doesn't mean that they are unkind. It takes time to build trust and build friendships.

Belgium has a lot of beautiful parks and if you walk around your community, you will discover a lot of other beautiful places. It takes time to see and explore. Take your time.

Start something new. I saw someone trying to build a book club. That's really a nice initiative to start something if you don't find it locally.