How can I improve my english only 1 month?
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My english level A1.How can I improve my english only 1 month? I want to apply job at foreigner company at HCM C.- @Ng Sunny
Watch English television shows- @Hooked
Watching this type of program is enjoyable (it's a comedy) and the speaking style is conversational. Search "Learn English with Friends tv series" on youtube and/or try to find the original episodes somewhere.
EFL students that I have talked to who speak quite good English and have clear pronunciation always mention watching tv series, especially an old one called "Friends" using the English language sub-titles and shadowing or mimicking (repeating what the actors say).- @johnross23
Watching this type of program is enjoyable (it's a comedy) and the speaking style is conversational. Search "Learn English with Friends tv series" on youtube and/or try to find the original episodes somewhere.
@Ng Sunny Listen to the BBC ***
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@Ng Sunny Listen to the BBC***
- @nscprez
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It is best to avoid the BBC, unless you are watching content from at least 30 years ago. Nowadays you will be exposed to all manner of "regional" dialects, and nobody elsewhere on Earth will understand a word you are saying if you emulate them.- @Brick23
It is best to avoid the BBC, unless you are watching content from at least 30 years ago. Nowadays you will be exposed to all manner of "regional" dialects, and nobody elsewhere on Earth will understand a word you are saying if you emulate them.- @Brick23

My english level A1.How can I improve my english only 1 month? I want to apply job at foreigner company at HCM C.- @Ng SunnyTwice daily conversation with a native English speaker.Meet every morning and evening for coffee, or walking together.- @OceanBeach92107
The biggest issues for most Vietnamese are, past tense, pluralization and prepositions.- @colinoscapee
The biggest issues for most Vietnamese are, past tense, pluralization and prepositions.- @colinoscapee
The biggest issues for most Vietnamese are, past tense, pluralization and prepositions.- @colinoscapeeWhen I noticed my students dropping final "S" sounds I did some asking around and found that other than, although the language contains the sound in other places in words, no native Vietnamese words end in "S". Of course in English this sound is essential for both plurals and possessives. Many of them may be thinking the S but not voicing it. I noticed that when they pronounced the word alone they would include the sound. Based on that, I found that a solution is to have them pause after words with S endings. Once this becomes habitual they will naturally drop the pauses.The problem with past tense may also be mostly pronunciation based on the D-T shift depending on whether the prior consonants are voiced or unvoiced. There are several good YouTubes on this.- @THIGV
to make major gains you need to "actively participate" in the language. That is not just watch tv or listen to music. but engage with others. you must speak or write ,not just listen or read. This is true of any skill: you don't get good at football by watching.
I humorously suggest 3 ways: (1) Go to America or Britain; (2) Get a job (waitress?) in a place with mostly English customers, or (3) get an American/British boyfriend
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