


Canadian looking for information about Brazil

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Salvador

Registration: 02 April 2012


CaninBrazil replied to a thread
2 years ago

Communication in Portuguese - Stranger in a Strange Land by amsp

I am an American living in Sao Paulo since 2019. I speak some Portuguese and understand more. I've taken several Portuguese classes and currently take 3 hours of private lessons a week. I'm really trying to improve. I own my own business ...


@amsp I have lived off and on in Brazil for 15 years. I speak portuguese with some mistakes I am sure, but when I am with my companion, even if I am the one inter-accting with the other person, they do exactly as you described. The same thing ... Read More

CaninBrazil replied to a thread
2 years ago

The cost of living in Brazil. weekly / monthly / yearly expenses by john8670

Weekly / Monthly Costs:Grocery BillRent Cell Phone Service Internet Cable TV / Satellite Car if leased or typical payments Taxes:House (Property Tax if owned) Are there any other taxes I should be aware of?


@john8670 Not only thee city taxes... if you rent a condominium, you will have to pay the condo fee as well Read More

CaninBrazil replied to a thread
2 years ago

Tax on Income Made in US while living in Brasil by HighVoltage1045

Hi all,I have been reading the forums for a few years now and participating where I could.I just moved to Brazil with my Brazilian wife to take care of her sick father.  I received my Marriage Reunification visa on March 24th and now i'm ...


@HighVoltage1045 Read on... Read More

CaninBrazil replied to a thread
2 years ago
Getting on

Does Brazil Really Want Retirees to Immigrate? by Getting on

There are so many things I like about Brazil, especially Curitiba. But the more I look into it, the more unsure I am as to Brazilian policy toward retirees. Please correct me if I am wrong on any of the following problems I see:1. There used to be a ...


@Getting on On number 2... not sure where you get your information!3) Bringing Money into Brazil There is no limit on the amount of money a Brazilian or a foreign traveler may bring into Brazil. However, if a traveler carries a total of R$ ... Read More

CaninBrazil replied to a thread
3 years ago

Changing citizenship with a Permanent Residency by NewBrazil

I have a permanent residency I am USA citizen. I am looking at changing my citizenship to get out of USA tax hell. I see on my permanent residency card it list my USA citizenship. Does anyone know or been through the process to change their ...


1st, check if the USA has a bilateral tax agreement with Brazil and read what it says about your situation. If you are a permanent resident, usually getting the Brazilian citizenship, will only give you ne mor right... the right to vote. I am ... Read More

CaninBrazil replied to a thread
3 years ago

What struck you about Brazil? by Cheryl

Hello everybody, When you first settled in Brazil, you might have been struck by cultural aspects of life in Brazil and you might even have anecdotes about your integration here. We would like you to share with expats-to-be what you discovered ...


That being said, the country is beautiful, the weather is great, the services can be tough to obtain at times but in general are pretty good. The prices are excellent... There is much violence in certain parts of the country. The laws exists but ... Read More

CaninBrazil replied to a thread
3 years ago

What struck you about Brazil? by Cheryl

Hello everybody, When you first settled in Brazil, you might have been struck by cultural aspects of life in Brazil and you might even have anecdotes about your integration here. We would like you to share with expats-to-be what you discovered ...


Oh my! You could not have said it better. 1) Portuguese is a very difficult language to learn 2) Brazil is a huge country and most Brazilians due to their economic and geographical location do not get expose to the ''world'' and ... Read More

CaninBrazil replied to a thread
3 years ago

uniao estavel help needed to understand process by Mkp000888

Hello All, I am needing to have my relationship formally recorded I think it's called uniao estavel. It has been suggested to record it in such a manner where any assets either of us own are retained by the individual only ,in the event of ...


Simply go to a notary public and they will pull out the necessary firm doe you. There are several ''escritorio'' in various cities in Brasil. Read More

CaninBrazil replied to a thread
4 years ago

Importing a purchase form outside of Brazil by NewBrazil

I just purchased a universal Translator. I had to wait close to a year since it was delayed in Production from China. The item cost me 228.00 dollars. Just got a call from Fed Ex my item is through customs. They said I owed taxes on the Item it was ...


Importing products is a pain.... I have friends who come and visit so when I want something real bad I have it shipped to them and they bring it.... or I use Mercado Livre... there are lots of products now available on that site, good selection of ... Read More

CaninBrazil replied to a thread
4 years ago

Pension from USA direct deposit to Brasil account. Anybody doing this? by mberigan

Hi! I am trying to help a stateside person wanting to have their pension(s) deposited directly to their Brazilian bank account instead of messing with money transfers and other confusing matters. They intend to return home (permanently) to Brazil ...


I am not from the USA but I think the same rules will apply. I am from Canada and my government pension will be transferred to my account in my Brazilian Bank ITAU Personalité. The issuing institution needs some basic information from the ... Read More

CaninBrazil replied to a thread
5 years ago

Expat interest in politics in Brazil by Bhavna

Hello everyone, As an expat, your day-to-day life in Brazil is impacted by decision-making at the political level in your host country as well as in your country of origin. We would like to know how involved you think expats should be in the ...


I am Canadian and have also my Brazilian citizenship through naturalization. I voted in Canada last elections by mail. You have to make sure that you respect the time lines. As a naturalised Brazilian I am very interested in Brazilian politics and ... Read More

CaninBrazil replied to a thread
5 years ago

Naturalização - Name verification certificate by okieinscbr

Hey all! Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I am here as a resident along w/my wife and we recently took our Celpe-Bras tests. Just one of a few things required to apply to naturalize as Brazilian citizens, but probably one of the hardest. We ...


I am Canadian and went through the process of naturalization. As for the language test, it was a conversation followed with comprehension prt and expression your opinion on a newspaper article. I found mine rather easy. As for your name, you must ... Read More

CaninBrazil replied to a thread
5 years ago

Double Taxation Concern by Robert60

I have through marriage a permanent resident Visa for Brazil but reside in the U.S . I keep it active as I'm planning to retire in Brazil. I have been told that after paying income tax in the states that I am obligated to also pay Brazil taxes ...


Went to the Brazilian Federal Revenue Agency. They trace you with your CPF easily. However the chap there said that you can have a credit card from your original country and make your purchases on credit card and nothing shows. I have a credit ... Read More

CaninBrazil replied to a thread
5 years ago

Double Taxation Concern by Robert60

I have through marriage a permanent resident Visa for Brazil but reside in the U.S . I keep it active as I'm planning to retire in Brazil. I have been told that after paying income tax in the states that I am obligated to also pay Brazil taxes ...


Indeed CANADA AND BRAZIL have a tax treaty. I had my permanent residency status for 10 + years and kept traveling between the two countries and always paid my taxes in Canada. Now I have my Brazilian naturalisation and I received all my pensions ... Read More

CaninBrazil replied to a thread
6 years ago

Naturalization and registering for Military service- anyone done this? by stevefunk

Hi I'm about to pick up my first RG after a successful Naturalization process, I know I need to get the military document anyone done this, if so: 1. What the process - is it exactly the same as any Brazilian or is it a different ...


Hi folks, I have gone through the process of naturalization in Salvador. Be prepared for submitting tons of documents, and of course they need to be translated in Portuguese and translated by certified translators. I applied in September 2017 at ... Read More