
Edin Ikanovic



Croatian expat in the Philippines

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Puerto Princesa, Mimaropa

Speaks English

Registration: 28 May 2013


Edin Ikanovic
eduardo001 replied to a thread
4 years ago

Cities In Mindanao that are Safe to Visit by moonunit0103

It seems like I have been chatting several women who live in Davao, General Santos, Kudurat City, Cagayun de Or, and Ozamiz. I have seen the State Department warnings from last year. Have things settled down? I am fond of my head and don't ...

Edin Ikanovic

General Santos is safe. Covid terrorists are more dangerous than muslim terrorists now. Read More

Edin Ikanovic
eduardo001 replied to a thread
4 years ago

My developing plans to load my IATA "Travel Pass" -COVID passport by Calif-Native

I have made this a new topic, although it relates to the SRRV topic, it covers nearly all foreign travelers to the Philippines, regardless of visa types. This will be the first time I talk about this here and even when I may use "strange or ...

Edin Ikanovic
eduardo001 replied to a thread
4 years ago

My developing plans to load my IATA "Travel Pass" -COVID passport by Calif-Native

I have made this a new topic, although it relates to the SRRV topic, it covers nearly all foreign travelers to the Philippines, regardless of visa types. This will be the first time I talk about this here and even when I may use "strange or ...

Edin Ikanovic

And then someone will say covid is not created to track and control people more. Read More

Edin Ikanovic
eduardo001 replied to a thread
4 years ago

Retired philippine expat with a much younger partner = ATM machine by manwonder

I posted this topic so as to gather any feedback/info on how some of *us are actually perceived as...please no offence meant in my asking. I too have a partner with an age gap of close to 30yrs...I know for a fact that every family member/her ...

Edin Ikanovic

It is everywhere same in whole world. If you are 60 and she is 30 be ready to pay for it. In the Philippines there is many couples like that so it is more noticeable. Read More

Edin Ikanovic
eduardo001 replied to a thread
4 years ago

Censorship in Post About my Mom by moonunit0103

I posted about my 91 year old mother's pneumonia and CV19, but FRED decided it needed to be CENSORED, due to his claim the treatment protocol is unproven. An alliance of Frontline doctors in US treating CV19 have had very good success, and NIH ...

Edin Ikanovic

If you post anything against fake virus hysteria you will get censored. That's how it works. Read More

Edin Ikanovic
eduardo001 replied to a thread
4 years ago

New scam at NAIA. by Rammers

For anyone arriving at Manila Airport the Shuttel-Bus Service between terminals has been suspended. Instead they are offering a car service at one's own cost. For a transfer between Terminal2 and Terminal 3, we were told the cost would be 1500 ...

Edin Ikanovic

It does not matter. They can close this airport soon, nobody arriving anyway. Read More

Edin Ikanovic
eduardo001 replied to a thread
4 years ago

Duterte extends state of calamity ONE MORE YEAR by Jesse777 Seems we hear that from someone recently. Where was that we heard it? He was called names for saying it. now it's fact and no one can argue

Edin Ikanovic

He has extended the "state of calamity" not Lockdown This allowed the government to access more emergencey funds and give a few more powers I would remind those that live or wish to live in the Philippines about the cyber libal laws ... Read More

Edin Ikanovic
eduardo001 replied to a thread
4 years ago

Any ideas the earliest Phillipines will resume tourism? by Arcadieus

I'm trying to enter as a tourist, so I can get my visa extended that way.

Edin Ikanovic

Hello everyone, Please note that some unnecessary posts have been removed from this thread. Regards, Cheryl team.It was topic related. Guy said it is not smart move and I confirmed, but okay ;) A vaccine for which of the 30+ ... Read More

Edin Ikanovic
eduardo001 replied to a thread
4 years ago

Any ideas the earliest Phillipines will resume tourism? by Arcadieus

I'm trying to enter as a tourist, so I can get my visa extended that way.

Edin Ikanovic

After vaccine. I'm pretty sure not earlier. Even locals cannot travel around. Read More

Edin Ikanovic
eduardo001 replied to a thread
4 years ago


Has anyone dealt with this advice please, also can it be used more then once ? Ive applied on the grounds impossible to travel anywhere. also I was due to get married when the covid restrictions hit Cebu Thanks

Edin Ikanovic

Did you get approved immediately or not? How it works? Read More

Edin Ikanovic
eduardo001 replied to a thread
4 years ago

How long can the Phillipines stay shut before financially collapsing? by Arcadieus

I'm just curious on the current situation. My girlfriend tells me everyone is losing their jobs and pretty much destitute as of right now.

Edin Ikanovic

They collapsed already. It is just not officially announced yet. Read More

Edin Ikanovic
eduardo001 replied to a thread
4 years ago

Voluntary Deportation - Anyone have experience or knowledge? by allworknoplay

Hi, I am from the UK and have overstayed since 2007. I know I am in the wrong and have been reading as much info as I can on this, but I am still unsure as to how to go about rectifying my stupidity and getting out of the Philippines. My ...

Edin Ikanovic

I feel your pain. Take care buddy. Read More

Edin Ikanovic
eduardo001 replied to a thread
4 years ago

Voluntary Deportation - Anyone have experience or knowledge? by allworknoplay

Hi, I am from the UK and have overstayed since 2007. I know I am in the wrong and have been reading as much info as I can on this, but I am still unsure as to how to go about rectifying my stupidity and getting out of the Philippines. My ...

Edin Ikanovic

I do not know really. For each day in jail they will deduct some amount from your debt, but I have really no idea how much. Better do not show up in immigration without serious amount of money and ask for their understanding. They will not ... Read More

Edin Ikanovic
eduardo001 replied to a thread
4 years ago

Voluntary Deportation - Anyone have experience or knowledge? by allworknoplay

Hi, I am from the UK and have overstayed since 2007. I know I am in the wrong and have been reading as much info as I can on this, but I am still unsure as to how to go about rectifying my stupidity and getting out of the Philippines. My ...

Edin Ikanovic

Hello. They do not care for reasons. If you did not commit any crime you will need: - to pay 500 penalties per month from 2007 to now (around 78000 pesos) - ACR card for each year from 2007 to 2020. Cost around 1000 per year (around 13000) - ... Read More

Edin Ikanovic
eduardo001 replied to a thread
4 years ago

visitor visa expiring soon, what are my options? by frankanderson

Greetings fellow Expats and Filipino's. So here's my situation, I have been here coming up on 22 months now, unmarried but living with a woman and we have a child together (born in Philippine's). My usual routine is go to a BI ...

Edin Ikanovic

Many of the BI are now open. I know in Davao that they take walk in's. Best thing is just look up your BI office on FB and send them a message or go and in and get it done. I am not sure why I just had mine renewed, after overstay due to ... Read More