PR Approval Rate 2023

Hi Everyone! Please kindly assess my profile and let me know what are the chances of getting PR in Singapore in 2023.

1.    Nationality: Indonesian (Born in Singapore)

2.    Age & Gender: Male, 24

3.    Education:

•    Primary School – Neighbourhood Primary School, Entered when I was P5

•    Secondary School – Neighbourhood Secondary School

•    Diploma – Temasek Polytechnic

•    BEng – Nanyang Technological University (Current, graduating in Aug 2023)

In short, I spent around 10+ years in Singapore as a Student. Planning to marry my current gf (SG) in 5 year's time.

4.    Family Background:

•    Father - Malay Singaporean (Born in Singapore)

•    Mother - Malay Indonesian

•    Me - Malay Indonesian (Born in Indonesia)

•    Brother 1 - Malay Singaporean (Born in Indonesia)

•    Brother 2 - Malay Singaporean (Born in Indonesia)

•    Brother 3 - Malay Singaporean (Born in Singapore)

•    Sister 1 - Malay Singaporean (Born in Singaporea)

In short, in the whole family, my mum and I are the only Indonesian.

5.    Current Pass: Student Pass (I am still Undergraduate Student graduating in Aug 2023)

6.    Community Involvement: Active Mentors for ITE Students under MENDAKI. (Active and its been almost 3 years)

I am planning to join an MNC in Singapore once I graduate. Please let me know your inputs cause I have been applying when I was still in Poly and Secondary school but all got rejected haha.

Thank you and have a great day everyone!

The authorities will not like that you aren't already citizen (by birth) or PR. The obvious reason for this is avoiding NS. Thus, if they approve you at all, they will probably insist that you do NS soon after becoming PR - as all second generation PR must. Is that what you want?

But they might also decide that, by not showing any comitment to Singapore through such a long time here, you have forfeitet your chance of becoming PR (and perhaps even of working here).

Oh I wasnt avoiding NS at all. In fact, I applied together with my other siblings for PR, the two of them were given Citizenship instead of PR while my application was rejected.

Actually even if the government is going to ask me to do NS at the age of 25 (when I graduate Uni) I actually do not mind hahaha.

From the age of 14 to 24, I have tried to apply PR for around 3times and 1 time for Citizenship. All were rejected.

Well, after so many rejections it is time to realize that Singapore does not want ot need you - and to look for a future elsewhere. Sorry, but a new start is probably better than continuing a chanceless fight!