
USA Citizen : looking for information

Last activity 11 April 2023 by bhspence

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For USA citizen how long can you leave the country before required to come back? Also, for the people who travel and live alone, where do you keep your passport? I am thinking you leave it at the rental property?

Aidan in HCMC

Hi Svho. I asked admin to move your post from the "Introduction" sticky to this new topic, for you.

You have to differentiate between yourself (a Viet Kieu) and non-Viet Kieu American citizens. Special conditions/privileges apply to Viet Kieu.

As you have the multi-entry VEC valid for 5 years, you can exit and remain abroad up to the expiration date of your VEC. As you know and had stated in a previous thread, you must exit every 6 months, with reentry permitted the same day. An easy border run to a neighbouring country will be a breeze. With your VEC, the only thing you'll have to concern yourself with is a visa to enter said neighbouring country. If your intention is to go back to the US, well then, no problem for you.

As to where I keep my passport, it is in my dresser, in my socks and "panties" (as SWMBO calls them) drawer. smile.png

For USA citizen how long can you leave the country before required to come back? Also, for the people who travel and live alone, where do you keep your passport? I am thinking you leave it at the rental property?

I agree with the great response by Aidan.

We citizens of the USA don't enjoy any special treatment here anymore.

It was previously easier for us to get a 1 year, agent sponsored business visa, but that opportunity will likely never be available again.

Probably because the USA makes it difficult for Vietnamese people to visit, we are not included on the list of nations qualifying for visa exemptions (except on Phú Quốc island where a 30 day exemption is available).

Technically you are supposed to have your passport with visa on your person at all times, but with the ability to keep good photocopies in your wallet and excellent photos of documents on your smartphone, most people find a safe place to stow their passport most of the time they are in Việt Nam.

But your post is a bit confusing and it sounds as if you might be asking where to leave your passport when you do a Visa run with your VEC?

You definitely need to be carrying your passport and your original VEC with you as you exit and reenter the country.

Many people here will tell you that they never ever let anyone have their passport, but I have left mine with hotel staff when that was convenient for me.

Other times I usually locked it in the safe in my apartment (something worth considering when renting a place) or I leave it in the passport wallet (that can hang from my neck) hanging on a hanger inside one of the shirts in my closet.

There's no 100% safe plan, but being careful OR always carrying it on you will keep your PP safe.


My question was more day to day living there. When you leave your rental property to go out to eat dinner or shopping, etc do you carry your passport.

Recently when I visited there, i would lock the passport at the hotel safe.

Also does the US have requirement that you have to come back to states after a certain period?

My question was more day to day living there. When you leave your rental property to go out to eat dinner or shopping, etc do you carry your passport.
Recently when I visited there, i would lock the passport at the hotel safe.

That definitely works for some people, though there have been others on the forum who have said they would never do that, and they avoid turning their passport over to hotel staff at all costs.

Pretty much your choice, based on how trustworthy you consider the hotel & staff

My question was more day to day living there. When you leave your rental property to go out to eat dinner or shopping, etc do you carry your passport.
Recently when I visited there, i would lock the passport at the hotel safe.

Also does the US have requirement that you have to come back to states after a certain period?

I personally have Safe and have had one in every country I have lived in, even in my home country. Not just my passport, but other valuable documents. I have a copy of my passport on my mobile phone.


...does the US have requirement that you have to come back to states after a certain period?

No, stay gone as long as you like and get a new passport as needed at the nearest US embassy or consulate.

These days, you need to make an online appointment on their website in advance.

As far as I know, the only situations where you must return are if you owe more than a certain amount of child support (over $1,000?) or have an outstanding warrant for your arrest.

Your passport can be seized in those situations, and you will be issued a temporary travel document that can only be used to return to the US.

Also does the US have requirement that you have to come back to states after a certain period?

Not if you are a citizen, except...

If you are receiving certain financial benefits and the government discovers you have been outside the USA for more than 30 days, the payments can be withheld until you verify your overseas address.

Does that happen much?

No, especially now in the age of direct deposits and people continuing to maintain a US bank account linked to a USA address while they are here.

HOWEVER, if a person only has Green Card status in the USA, they must spend at least one calendar month every 6 months in the USA to maintain their legal residency status and/or to continue collecting federal benefits outside the USA.

As always, if anyone disagrees I'm happy to be "kindly" corrected.

(Also what JR23 wrote above)


HOWEVER, if a person only has Green Card status in the USA, they must spend at least one calendar month every 6 months in the USA to maintain their legal residency status and/or to continue collecting federal benefits outside the USA.


Actually the general rule, since the green card is meant for immigrants, they start to frown on bein out of the US more than 6 months per year.  You can file a form for an extended leave for 1-2 years but it must be done before leaving the US and it can't be a repeat case .  It is for specific reasons like taking care of someone ill or finishing school.

Also, if you have a green card and intend to gain US citizenship if you are on a marriage visa and intend to gain citizenship under the 3 year rule you cannot be out of the country for more than a total of 18 months or 2.5 years if filing under the standard 5 year rule if not married to a USC.



no (actual) rules  at all about returning to the US in any time frame. Stay away as long as you like.

But many *practical* items. examples: drivers licenses may require in-person application (in CA, i believe you can renew by mail the first time, but not the second) (and believe me: if you *ever* plan to return you don't want your driver's licence to expire)... those of us who qualify need to check about social security (used to be a rule that  if you live in VN, the checks could not be deposited to your bank account). I would maintain a US address - at least a mail drop.

no (actual) rules at all about returning to the US in any time frame. Stay away as long as you like.
But many *practical* items. examples: drivers licenses may require in-person application (in CA, i believe you can renew by mail the first time, but not the second) (and believe me: if you *ever* plan to return you don't want your driver's licence to expire)... those of us who qualify need to check about social security (used to be a rule that if you live in VN, the checks could not be deposited to your bank account). I would maintain a US address - at least a mail drop.

Thank you.  Yes I am in Calif.  I am going back to Vietnam this July to explore Hanoi, Nha Trang, and Hue (never been to Hue and Hanoi).  We just visited multiple cities in Dec-Jan.  I am looking to do a mini retired life in a few years in Vietnam (was born in Danang).


When you have a question for which the answer is available in an online search, you will probably be better served by doing the search yourself or at least asking for references to online sources.  And let your wife hold the passports and visas if you have one.  Mine hasn't lost one yet.


@williamherron13 Is this Bill Herron from Dow Corning?

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