Update Marital Status

If your NIF has your marital status as single, can you easily update this to married?

If so, do you just need to upload a copy of the marriage certificate (marriage is outside of Portugal and not yet registered in Portugal).

https://www.mtconsulting.pt/noticias/co … miliar-irs


When you update your marital status, you will be asked to authenticate your spouse's NIF too.

https://www.mtconsulting.pt/noticias/co … miliar-irs
When you update your marital status, you will be asked to authenticate your spouse's NIF too.

So if my spouse does not have a NIF, does a separate application for her need to be done or it can be applied for at the same time that I update my marital status?

Marital status is only relevant for declaring annual income (IRS). If you are not a tax resident in Portugal you do not need to make this change. If you do, you must indicate to whom you are married, and your spouse must have a NIF.

As this does not apply to you, you should forget this update.