Landlord sends me receipts, but no contract on Finanças

Every month I get a rent receipt by email from my landlord, but when I check the Finanças website, I do not see the contract. I've been living in my apartment for almost 3 years now. I mentioned this to my landlord and he said he did register the apartment and sent me the proof. I've been checking at this link: … locatario?

On the rent receipts, the postal code is different than what I have registered as my tax address with Finanças (xxxx-056 vs xxxx-053). Could that effect it? I just want to be able to claim the deductions for my rent payments but I don't know how to do that if my contract isn't showing up.

You can see the redacted rent receipt and blank contratos page here:

Images here since the link to the album is under review and the page is just timing out when I try to edit the OP:



Hi @crushinator,

I find it strange that your rental contract doesn't appear in that link + tab ("locatario" = tenant).

There's no problem with the postcode not being correct. The important thing is to have the correct NIF numbers of the tenant and landlord, your name and street address etc....

Your contract number is the one on the receipt number :

xxxxxxx / nn

xxxxxxx = contract number

nn = receipt number

You should ask your tax office why you can't see the contract in the portal.


My landlord has my lease registered with the Financas and beside his receipt, I get an official receipt from Autoridade Tribuar.

I would suspect your landlord is doing something illegal/underhanded to avoid paying taxes as many do here in Portugal since taxes are so high.

If this is happening now, imagine the trouble you are going to have vacating the residence.  As I often see, the P landlords cook up all sorts of expenses that they say you have to pay when you leave a property.  They definitely don't allow for reasonable wear and tear as in the UK, the legitimate ones that is, and will try to keep all of your bond etc and you will be seriously out of pocket.

You MUST get this sorted and ask why you are not getting a receipt from A T that I mentioned above.

Good luck.

@Glenn Allen Yikes. I intend to follow JohnnyT's suggestion and call Finanças this week to try and get to the bottom of this.

My landlord had been pretty easygoing for the past 2 years, but is taking a laissez-faire approach to my concerns about the failing water heater and has suddenly hit me with a 50 EUR rent increase (my rent is still very reasonable for the area, but it's still a 12.5% increase, which I believe is illegal).

@Glenn Allen Please do not generalise and say what you did about Portuguese landlords as I rent in the UK and could say the same about your people.

I am a Portuguese lnadlord and have had foreigners trash my homes or flee without paying the rent. The security deposit in some cases did not even cover the cost of the repairs.

I suggest that if you are not happy with a Portuguese landlord, then just move homes and get a foreigner as a landlord. Yes, the increase was unlawful and you can appeal as he/she has to abide by the increase that the state says he may increase the rent by so appeal to him/her and send him/her the law and inform him/her that you will report him/her as the tenant has more rights than the landlord in Portugal.

Crushinator, hopefully you have sorted your problem out as I see this post is a few days old, but I only saw it now.


We (Portuguese people) all know what Glen said is pretty accurate.

Most landlords don't pay taxes. I know hundreds of them. Mine included.


Landlords above 65 yo are not mandatory to issue monthly receipts. However, by the end of the tax year, they need to declared the rents paid.

@Nia Queiroz

I live in the UK and many things I do not agree with and are wrong here too, but I do not denigrate them on a public forum. I know that some Portuguese and foreign landlords do not issue receipts in order to avoid paying tax. However, it is not for me to judge them, I just do not work with them, that way if they want me to rent their house out for them, they need to issue receipts.

There are many things that are wrong in Portugal and the political system and mindset are getting worse and not evolving, It is a pity as the country and its people have such potential.

@Nia Queiroz,

"We" ??? This information is inappropriate, misleading and unfortunate in this forum. You agree with the corruption system that must be tackled, which for someone who claims to be a lawyer is contradictory and regretable, indeed. I'm a landlord and the contract is at the tax office, as are many thousands of contracts in this country (+ 1 million). I submit the rental receipt all months at the AT website. There are various ways that the authorities have at their disposal to verify undeclared rents.

You're supposed to be here to help, not to make regrettable remarks like this, generalize behaviours and to try to get clients for your immigration business. This post is so regrettable and contradictory that it speaks for itself...


It's called facts. Denigrate is when something isn't true. This is true and frequent.

Things shouldn't be sugar-coated for people who choose the country to live.


I never claimed ro be a lawyer nor have you seen that stated anywhere in this forum or anywhere else.

I am telling people the true regardless of if is correct or not.

Where in my answers have you seen me trying to get customers for my business?? Many landlords declare rents (not sure where you got that number from). Many don't. We are 10000 people! It's a fact we'll known.

And where have you seen that I am not helping? By telling the truth?

People must be aware of this. As many landlords promise to register the contract and they don't.

In another hand, landlords above 65 yo are not mandatory ro issue electronic receipts.

I deal with this daily and for many years.


Some of your posts have already been deleted and you have already been warned about this. We know what I am talking about.

There were more than 1 million contracts registered with the tax office system.

Thank you for moderating your comments. We want you to help and not contribute to corruption schemes and the black economy. I know about landlords above 65, but the issue here is not that.


I think you frequently misunderstood my point.

I had 1 comment deleted because I advertised my business directly. It was 1 time! As that was the justification to have it deleted and didn't happen again. There isn't a single word on my comments in this thread that you can point like advertising any services as you are suggesting, so please be serious and honest on your afirmations.

I believe we still live in a free speech world and I am not agreeing or contributing to any corruption scheme whatsoever. I am just stating facts here.

1 million contracts is a pretty low number and you are making it seem like a high number. It's not. Many many people live in rented houses with no contract. Stating facts is contributing to corruption schemes?

And indirectly? ...  Well, not in this thread, but in many others. And that's being serious and honest !  Anyone is free to express themselves, but this isn't the street talks, it's a public forum for expats... With rules. Common sense and moderation are required to each one of us.

UPDATE: I spoke to Finanças this morning  The representative said that contracts don't show up "a lot" and I should just wait until February 15 and then claim the rent amounts using Annex H.


That is if your landlord is over 65, in which case he has to declare the 2023 rents to the tax office by 31 January 2024.

If he's under 65, the contract should supposedly already exist at the AT and the rent receipts issued from then ...

Annex H is part of the IRS tax declaration in Portugal and is only submitted between April and June 2024. Are you a tax resident in Portugal?

@JohnnyPT I'm aware. The issue is that my landlord is definitely not over 65, and he insists he did register the contract (and sends me electronic receipts, as mentioned). The representative had a pretty laissez-faire attitude and just kept repeating that sometimes registered contracts don't show up, with the instructions to wait and file the Annex H.

I am a tax resident in Portugal (brought here as a kid, was undocumented until 2022 when I got my residency, but I've always had my NIF, etc.)


So I find it strange that your contract doesn't appear on the portaldasfinancas website. But if you have the rent receipts, as I told you earlier in my post #3, someone at AT Finanças should easily be able to see your contract at the tax office.... I don't believe the answer you've been given because you have the electronic rent receipts....

If you're a tax resident and if everything is ok, Annex H will have the rents you paid in 2023 (pre-filled field by the AT).