Bank account opening on a premium visa

I'm inquiring about the most straightforward method for opening a Mauritian bank account as a foreigner with minimal requirements, as the banks I've approached so far insist on substantial initial deposits for investment purposes, which I'd prefer to avoid. Does anyone have any Tips for me?

When I was on the island a couple of weeks ago I approached Afrasi bank ( to open up a non-residential account. This was largely a savings account in Sterling. At the time I presented them with copies of my bank statements and passport etc. They certified my passport for me.

There was no minimum deposit but they will charge me $250 per year for account maintenance. I have been told that initial vetting has been completed and it has now been passed to their compliance team. Hence the account has not yet been opened but I am hopeful. If you are interested then I will forward the individual's contact details.

Hi Karibi.

I suggest you try the ABSA digi-account.

It's quick and easy online and they don't ask for a lot of irrelevant documentation like some other banks that are trapped in the stone age.

On that point, does anyone in the forum know why a bank needs my CV to open a simple access account?

At ABSA, to fill out an application for a digi account, you must tick the following:

"I am resident in Mauritius and am only tax resident there"

So very, very simple.