Tracing French Pensions

Hi All,

I worked in France from 1990-2005 before moving back to the UK where I am now based and facing retirement!

I would like to ask if anyone can advise how I can trace my Pensions ( both State & Corporate) that are locked somewhere in the French system!?

I contributed to 3 schemes when employed by 3 companies over the 15  years I was working in France as well as via the statutory State contributions. I am aware of the basic qualifying rules but would like to understand in detail what entitlement ( if any!) my contributions allow after 15 years of payments!

I have my Securite Sociale number and salary slips for each employment showing monthly Pension deductions made to several organisations  but no idea where to start to enquire as to status of each pension or how to access any entitlements.

Can anyone help from personal experience of perhaps point me towards a Services company of some kind  who could undertake the challenge on my behalf?

Merci d'avance !


You are certainly entitled to a French pension for your stint working for French companies. As you have your Secu number and payslips there should be no problem although it might take a little time. Try writing to the CNAV of the district you worked in. Also the Retraite Complementaire of the area. Sorry, I can't give you info about an agent or organization which could do the job for you.

I receive a French pension, Spanish pension, small British pensionevery quarter plus the French retraite Complementaire and a supplementary pension every quarter as I worked for an international law firm. But I live in France and was so eager to retire that I began to work on it quite early despite retiring later than usual. Hope some element can be of use to you. Patience and persistence!!! ! 

You are entitled to a pension after one quarter.

Go to: … /home.html

You can probably search your status on line.


Many thanks - a pace to start with some encouragement!


@AARO health

Thanks for the link!

Will follow though and see where it leads!


Hi Roy,

I am retired since 2017 and when I had to understand and claim for the 40 years I worked in France,I called on a lady who specialises on the subject.

I dont know if she is still practising,I will give you her name and cell,you can try.

Mrs. Gilda Jacquey . 06 ***

Good luck.


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I'd just add that you want to be sure all your work has been counted. Once they certify the dossier, you may be out of luck. I know a case where an agent simply refused to believe there could be earnings from a job at an early age, so there was a scene at the office, but the person had kept all the records -- and won.


Thank you Roberto - all help very useful - I will reach out to call the contact suggested and see what happens !

Best Roy