Appeal for Unsuccessful S Pass Application

How do I appeal for unsuccessful S Pass Application? There's an online form '"MOM - Submit requested documents for your work pass application/appeal" which I searched on google. I'm not quite sure if this is still available for submission. Do I still need to go through myMOMPortal? Sorry, this is my 1st time appeal for s pass application.

@willychat You yourself cannot appeal. Only your employer can - and they should know how.

(If they don't: Look for another employer!)

And please do not post the same content twice on this forum. I deleted your other message.

Hi, thank you your reply.

Apologies that I accidentally posted the same content twice on this forum. I'm new on this site and not really sure how to delete it away.

Btw, I am the employer representative of the company. :)

Btw, I am the employer representative of the company. smile.png-@willychat

I (not being an HR person of a Singapore company that wants to hire foreigners) have never seen it, but I believe (as most Singapore official proceduresare quite easy) there should be an option to appeal in your EPOnline account. If not, contact MoM!