
Help!! I married vietnamese national trying to bring her to US

Last activity 06 February 2016 by stddl

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Asian jimmy

I am a US citizen and married a vietnamese national and trying to get a visa for her to go to the US. My paperwork was excepted by the US side for over 6 months now and with no end in sight. The lawyer said it would only be 3 months for the interview but its been more than 6. I cant wait in Vietnam any longer i have to go back home and work. Anyways does anyone have any useful information for me please?


I'm sure you're aware that these things take a great deal of time. First of all applying for an IR-1 or CR-1 immigrant visa is not something that the USCIS takes lightly. Also since each application is judged on a case-by-case basis there is absolutely no way to accurately predict how long it will take to obtain the visa.

Also you should be aware of the fact that according to US Immigrations Law, marriage to a US citizen, in and of itself, implies absolutely no guarantee that permanency would be granted.

For more information about IR-1 and CR-1 Immigrant Visas see the following US Department of State webpage: … ive.html#2

James   Expat-blog Experts Team


Hi, as James said above, these things are not simple.   It can take years to get your wife back to the states.

It's a case by case system, and they will usually look for reasons NOT to allow her in.   How long have you had boots on the ground here ??   How did you meet her, is there a massive age difference.?

If your one of these guys that's met a woman online and have hardly spent time here , your in for the long haul.   

If you don't get her back there before Donald Trump gets in ,  Yogi thinks your future communication will be Via a Ouija board. 

It's an ordeal just to get a woman a tourist visa for a few weeks, let alone move there for good.

Good luck

Asian jimmy

I have been in nam for close to 6 months waiting. I have known her for close to 2 years now. I was introduced to her. And im 7 years older.   Im going crazy with worry, i can't be waiting any longer i have to work and some problems are coming up that i have to be home to take care of.
In total i put the paperwork in about a year and half now. Give or take a couple of months.


Hello, I recommend you contact your local representative back home. In 98 I married a Filipino girl. I had to return home and leave her to get her visa. To make a long story shot, 17 months later I was still getting the same old runaround.
Someone suggested I contact my state representative and within a week of doing so I was on a jet flying over to pick her up.
Good luck with your situation. I hope it works out.

Asian jimmy

I will check that out. Thank you


For giving the visa they take a lot of time.
My husband applied on the 1st week of May and the petition for the alien relative has been approved only after 5 months and now again the waiting period of one month for NVC to contact us (Petitioner and the beneficiary)

Teacher Mark

This is a better website for your particular situation: - Vietnam

Asian jimmy

I had a  idea of how much of a hassle getting a visa would be but didn't really comprehend it until i got down to the nuts and bolts. Stressful very stressful.


Since you've already applied for your wife, I don't know. I think applying for a fiancée visa is usually faster. it has been 9 years since I applied. but it only took about 8-9 months. And I had to resubmit info, which took time.
I do know having documentation of your ongoing relationship, from beginning to present helps, seems more is better.
Have you gone thru the IOM in HCMC? They were a great help for us.

Asian jimmy

Im try to gather all the evidence of relationship i can. I didn't understand how important it was until i started doing more research and now im trying to catch up.  What is the  IOM? Im not sure what that is.


international organization for migration, 1 Phạm Ngọc Thạch, Bến Nghé, Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam
hope this helps you some.
good luck!

Asian jimmy

Thank you i will check it out.


My name is Hà I live HCMC
Can you contact :
Public Affairs Section
U.S. Consulate General
8 Fl., Diamond Plaza, 34 Le Duan Blvd.
Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Tel: (84-8) 3520-4610
Fax: (84-8) 3520-4622
good luck!


If you want to connect with people who really know this subject you are the wrong site. I suggest you visit visa Great resource to get REAL help. They can help you walk through the entire process and give you very good timeline info. Good luck in the journey.

Asian jimmy

Thank you sir, i will check it out


I didnt use a lawyer. It took six month to get my now wife an Interview at the HCM consulate, the paper work was easy to understand and easy to file, all documents from the USCIS went to my home address in the USA you can call the USCIS directly and request an update.  I feel IMHO ur lawyer is scamming you


If you married a Mexican Barak and Hillary would Knight you !!
I tried to have a Wealthy Vietnamese lady come with baby to see me 3 years ago while I was a student in College ...
She had BEEN in USA with Vietnamese trade group to DC.  Three times this lady was in US she now runs Nyen Minh advertising.

Even with " round trip " ticket for her and Baby.... NO ENTRY GRANTED..... Now my Mother is dead and her child older. All fell apart as I was :
In College not working full time."
There is a bias in immigration here.

Again you should have chosen a Mexican lady. In the current political climate. You should have done what the current administration wants: Go Latino. Personally I am desiring to leave US after what I went through.
If I were you I would live in Vietnam. Not perfect but good country, besides America has issues.

Good Luck.  V.V.

Asian jimmy

Im starting to feel that way also. But im headed back to the US in a couple of days and will start making some calls to state rep and whoever i can. I don't even care if they get annoyed.

Asian jimmy

I have been living in nam for 6 months now and about a year and a half altogether.  I don't like it so much. At first when everything was a new experience it was cool, now that I understand how things are, what people are thinking, their manners,  basically live like a native . I dont like it so much anymore.


Also remember the USCIS is now busy processing the 200,000 Syrian refugees that were allowed into USA as priority cases all other cases are being held up 6 more months   Thank OBUMa fur that


A little racist comment. Never hurt anyone


It took 1 calendar year from Original filing to getting my wife permenamt residsnce card in USA  we live in California with a 3year green card


It won't help waiting for your application in Vietnam.  Normally it will take for a while to get an answer. Even lawyer can not tell you how long it will take.  Instead of keep waiting in Vietnam, you might as well come back  to US, get a job. Meanwhile go to Congress man or Senator office of your district , ask them to expedite your application.  It is their job to help you and usually they will do it.


It took us about 15 months from submitting the application to the approval.

Asian jimmy

Yep i cant be sitting around anymore and headed back back to cali cali. Home sweet home.



Jimmy go for it. Do not give up. I lost someone I loved... Then my mother died.
1. Lost beautiful woman and Child ( and bby girl for me ).
2. My mother never meet this lady. Yes. Good BIG government. No.
3. I go through 5 surgeries ALONE. Yes Alone.

So give best , but if face losing Beloved.... Look at number one and two.
Think carefully. Time is most precious. Yes.

Blessing, best fortune ! Remember: Fight Fight !

Yoda call me Luke. Padwan Luke. Me...
Yes I did see original movie at 17. I had hair then... Yes.
Good Fortune Padwan Asian Jimmy. FIGHT !!

Nha trang guy

Sorry to say, but you might wait up to 2 years.  It is far easier to bring her to the states as a fiance.  This is what we just did with one of my sons and was done with my roomate and several other friends.  At this point,  seek the aid of a facilitator in the STATES. 
I have 3 adopted Vietnamese and a daughter from India, as well as 2 bio sons.  It is one of the bio sons who only a month ago brought his then fiance and his daughter to the states.  I am not aware of the extended time being shortened recently for those married prior to application.  .


I can only add...I'm glad my wife does not desire to go to the US...and I have no desire to return there...If I were you I'd be sending a very 'strong' letter to the Representative of your State and raise a bit of hell as it might take less time. 
Illegals get a free pass in the US while those who attempt to abide by the law get the shaft!  *****

Moderated by Christine 8 years ago
Reason : off topic and inappropriate comment
Asian jimmy

Yeah thats what it seems like  lately.

Asian jimmy

I got a paper from US immigration saying my paperwork has been accepted and to wait for them to setup a interview date. And from now to then not to do anything.


A friend waited more than two years for the interview. Good luck.

Asian jimmy

Wow 2 years


The only thing the US Government does quickly is sieze your money NEW LAW PASSING:


Thank our Indonesian President Barack Obama.
Meanwhile YOUR WIFE ...... Waits for Interview.
And 10,000 Syrian Refugees come in W/ O papers....  Amazing.


if she was Mexican, just hop across the border, get you amnesty and free medical care and benefits... shameful!


Why are you people bashing on the U.S? If you hate it so much just denounce your citizenship. At the end of the day, when shit goes south you will crawl back to the same land that you are bad mouthing. Not every President has control over what he does. Ever heard of lobbyists or special interest groups?


Because it is American culture and every citizen's right to question his/her government as they see fit. It goes back to the founding fathers. If you don't know this, then time for some enlightenment or perhaps some citizenship classes.

Hypothalamus wrote:

Why are you people bashing on the U.S? If you hate it so much just denounce your citizenship. At the end of the day, when shit goes south you will crawl back to the same land that you are bad mouthing. Not every President has control over what he does. Ever heard of lobbyists or special interest groups?

Love it or leave it? Haven't heard that for awhile, must be a Nixon voter.

dollarjilt wrote:

Because it is American culture and every citizen's right to question his/her government as they see fit. It goes back to the founding fathers. If you don't know this, then time for some enlightenment or perhaps some citizenship classes.

You don't have the qualification to question my education background. There's is a difference between questioning your government's policy vs. understanding the driving force behind it. Long gone are the days of the founding fathers' constitutional bullshit. This is 2015 the American politics are way different now than what was back in 1760s. For you and other lunatics who keep citing your basic constitutional rights for everything that don't go your way is like kids whining when they don't get what they want.


I am sure I have a lot more qualifications both professionally and educationally than you. That's even obvious by how you write and how you express your views and now your getting angry. I'm too busy to argue with an inferior mind. As I said, get some enlightenment/education. No more replies from me on this and none from you will be read.

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