
Offices to Register Foreigners

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The first two Foreign Registry offices of 38 have been opened in Dajabon and Elias Pina provinces:

Government today opens offices for the registration of foreigners in Dajabón and Elías Piña … xtranjeros

A register of foreigners is a requirement of the immigration law aparently and most Latin American countries and even the USA have such registers.

A permanent resident or Visa holder is required to register within 15 days of arrival in Colombia for example.

Jesus Ant. Vasquez
This morning, we will be inaugurating in Dajabón and Elías Piña, the first offices for the Foreigners Registry, as agreed in the National Migration Council, we will always act in accordance with the Law. #Registroextranjeros

This has come about from last week's meeting of the National Migratory Council and in response to the Haiti crisis.

My question is:

Will legal residents of all nationalities in DR also have to register at one's provincial office giving one's address and contact details?

See also

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lennoxnev wrote:

My question is:

Will legal residents of all nationalities in DR also have to register at one's provincial office giving one's address and contact details?

Doesn't Migracion already have that information for residents? Also, whichever agency handles cedulas has it.


It appears they are de-centralizing to try and determine where and how many are the illegal foreigners residing in this country and try to exercise control over them. To know who and where each illegal foreigner resides in a province or area.

It is clearly aimed at Haitians but to avoid accusations of discrimination the reference to to all foreigners.

Illegals will not want to register so it is all a bit confusing hence the question.


lennoxnev wrote:

It appears they are de-centralizing to try and determine where and how many are the illegal foreigners residing in this country and try to exercise control over them. To know who and where each illegal foreigner resides in a province or area.

It is clearly aimed at Haitians but to avoid accusations of discrimination the reference to to all foreigners.

Illegals will not want to register so it is all a bit confusing hence the question.

Thats correct, to know who and where, Im sure no body will go to the office to register, but the office can go where they are, and make the registration.


How do you find them?

And surely they would deport them without proper documents?

I was thinking that they could make banks, insurance companies and telephone companies declare all non cedula holder accounts.

There is also a hint of asking Dominicans to notify authorities of illegals too in todays speech by the Minister. Most Dominicans would notify authorities of suspected illegal Haitians.

We have to wait to see what comes next after todays meeting of all parties with President.


lennoxnev wrote:

How do you find them?

And surely they would deport them without proper documents?

I was thinking that they could make banks, insurance companies and telephone companies declare all non cedula holder accounts.

There is also a hint of asking Dominicans to notify authorities of illegals too in todays speech by the Minister. Most Dominicans would notify authorities of suspected illegal Haitians.

We have to wait to see what comes next after todays meeting of all parties with President.

Every body knows where Haitian live, I think thats why they are opening 38 offices, they can not deport anybody because the office is not part of the Migration, the Office is part of the Ministery of interior and Police.


Wait...this is for the registry of illegal foreigners? Why would anyone self-report?


ddmcghee wrote:

Wait...this is for the registry of illegal foreigners? Why would anyone self-report?

Thats why I said the office will go to them to register.


Riva I think you have 'hit the nail' on the head.

These offices are being established to indentify all foreigners in areas of the country and will be active in finding them.

My question remains is, whilst this is aimed at Haitians, whether there will be a knock on effect on all expats to having an obligation to register at your local office say after 15 days being on the country or moving between regions? Draconian but possible from the statements being made by the Minister.

If these offices are going to be actively finding foreigners, they will need help by way of all sectors giving the information.

Government inaugurates the first foreign registration offices in Dajabón and Elías Piña … elias-pina

With a call to preserve national sovereignty, the Government, through the Ministry of the Interior and Police, formally opened the foreign registration offices in the provinces of Dajabón and Elías Piña, in the border area with Haiti.

Minister Jesús Vásquez affirmed that these offices will play a stellar role in this great effort of the Government to guarantee, today more than ever, citizen security and national security and of our territory, because with them we are going to identify the foreigners who live in each demarcation.

“We cannot continue living in a country like goats without law, it is essential that the Dominican State know who the foreigners who reside here are and where they are. I want to specify that said registry does not imply an immigration regularization, but, as its name says, an identification of that person, '' said Vásquez.

He pointed out that like these offices of Dajabón and Elías Piña, they intend to set up some 40 similar premises throughout the national territory, especially in each of the provincial governments, Punta Cana, the National District and Greater Santo Domingo.

When delivering the keynote speech during the opening ceremony of the first office, installed in Dajabón, Vásquez affirmed that, as a way of guaranteeing the proper functioning of said offices, there will be a properly trained and qualified staff available to respond to each of the the cases that arise. The Government is determined to make whatever effort is necessary to preserve peace, security and national sovereignty, which has cost this democracy so much sacrifice.

“All the countries of the world are jealous of their territory, especially their borders, and in the past we lived with our backs to that reality, despite having a Migration Law that gave the Dominican State that power to act on the purposes of regulating the entry and exit of foreigners who come to the Dominican Republic, but that failure to enforce our legal regulations on immigration matters is a thing of the past, '' he added.

He stated that from now on a different page is being written in Dominican history, because the authorities will act in accordance with the Law. We are going to achieve in this management headed by President Luis Abinader ”.

Likewise, he called on all sectors of national life, which in one way or another influence decision-making, to support this initiative, because it is not about a particular political party, or a specific color. This is a matter of the Nation, where the national interest must prevail, over the individual.


This snippet of the statement could have a far reaching impact if put into practice in full-

“We cannot continue living in a country like goats without law, it is essential that the Dominican State know who the foreigners who reside here are and where they are. I want to specify that said registry does not imply an immigration regularization, but, as its name says, an identification of that person, '' said Vásquez.


One of the main problems is we do not know who they are, with other foreigners they arrive by plane and goverment know who they are and can be find more easily and now with the e-ticket all the information is online and is to one click to get it.   But I think also those are overstaying sooner or later will have consecuences too.


We don't know yet how these offices will function other than they are being established to register all foreigners.

But illegal foreigners aren't going to queue up to register and tourists surely must be exempt.

And these measures have come about because of the crisis in Haiti and security concerns not knowing where this large sector (about 90%) of foreigners reside.

I have seen one newspaper mention immigration police. Is this possible? That would appear one way to track down and register the many.

Guest2022 … NF29868894

Some more information was given today in a meeting with provincial govenors as article above.

They plan to take fingerprints and facial photographs to register Haitians which they could then use for a future work permit application. No mention of how they plan to get the many illegal Haitians to come and register nor if they will get deported.

The threat remains for those employing or lodging Haitians.

Work in progress.

No suggestion these registry offices will affect other nationalities.


lennoxnev wrote:

Some more information was given today in a meeting with provincial govenors as article above.

They plan to take fingerprints and facial photographs to register Haitians which they could then use for a future work permit application. No mention of how they plan to get the many illegal Haitians to come and register nor if they will get deported.

The threat remains for those employing or lodging Haitians.

Work in progress.

No suggestion these registry offices will affect other nationalities.

My guess is to go search for them, take it to the office for registration, I'm agree that none of them will go by themself to register.


More information and foreigners with residence permit are mentioned.

RD will actively seek immigrants to register them … istrarlos/

The authorities of the Dominican Republic will actively search for undocumented immigrants , the vast majority Haitians, to develop a database that will be shared with all security and migration agencies .

This will be the function of at least 38 offices that will be distributed throughout the country and that must be in operation "between this month and December," the Vice Minister of Immigration Management and Naturalization, Juan Manuel Rosario , explained this Thursday to Efe .

The first two offices were inaugurated last Monday, in the border provinces of Dajabón and Elías Piña , just five days after the government announced their creation, within a package of measures to curb Haitian immigration.

The plan of the authorities is to create a database "very solid" and "interconnected as possible , " so they will have access to it security agencies, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the General Directorate of Migration (DGM) , entity empowered to automatically deport any immigrant in irregular condition.

The database will collect biometric information, such as fingerprints and images for facial recognition, with the aim of facilitating the identification of Haitian immigrants , many of whom lack any documents.

Rosario assured that "immigration policy remains the same," so the DGM "will continue to do its job" of deporting immigrants in irregular condition. Meanwhile, the new offices will be dedicated to fulfilling their function, of registering the "thousands of illegals" in the Dominican Republic.

The role of the offices is "to guarantee citizen security and national security" and it will be carried out "within the framework of law and within the framework of human rights." "We are not going to violate human rights or anything like that," the deputy minister guaranteed.

Each office will have a staff of ten officials from the Ministry of the Interior, although they may require support from assistants, "depending on the magnitude of the work." Immigrants will be able to register voluntarily at the office and if they don't, officials will visit them at their places of residence, according to the deputy minister.

Data will be collected not only from the undocumented, but also from immigrants with a residence permit and, in both cases, foreigners will have to notify these offices of any changes of address to other provinces.

In addition, it is intended to register residents in Haitian border cities who go to work in the Dominican Republic daily, to control that they do not leave the border perimeter. In principle, it is planned to open 38 offices, although the possibility of expanding this number to more than 40 is contemplated if necessary.


Big step forward

Oscarsahony Sanchez

Yes big step towards regular immigration laws. about time..


The Haitian problem is worsening and the past failures to document large numbers of immigrants (Haitians mainly) through political and business pressure to supress labour costs is now a massive problem with the insecurity in the neighbouring country.

There are far too many illegal immigrants of Haitian nationality throughout DR including in key tourist areas and this now poses internal security risks.

For sure there are a few undesirable other nationalities living here under the radar such as South Americans in the narco business and the sex perverts too, and it is time to know where they all are and manage them accordingly.

So be it, if it is going to be somewhat like a police state for us expats in the short/medium term having to register our whereabouts, if it leads to security whilst Haiti gets sorted and better longer term immigration control.


Lennox I agree.  Sadly this will not be popular  with some expats. Oh well.

It is good for the DR.  And lets not forget that while this is  important for this country the situation in Haiti is heartbreaking.   The DR does a lot for their neighbors!


It will take time to set this all up. Tracking Haitians is the priority but that needs many more than 10 people per provincial office.

Long stay non resident expats wont be doing anything and will wait to see if there is any knock on effect. Resident expats and work permit holders will if they are told to register.

In the provinces outside big towns I can surely say, all foreigners including Haitians are known by the police. If you live in a smaller community you become known quickly.

When it comes to the big cities and tourist zones and the border provinces it becomes far less clear.

Let's see where this goes.


DGM are taking illegal immigration more seriously now including by arresting and deporting pregnant Haitian women going to hospital for check ups. This will raise the profile of the situation for sure.

28 pregnant Haitians arrested at Los Mina Maternity Hospital

In several videos that circulate on social networks, pregnant women and with small children are seen getting on a DGM bus … e-los-mina

Several pregnant Haitian women were detained in recent days in hospitals in the Dominican capital by immigration inspectors and were immediately deported, human rights groups denounced this Thursday.

The deported women "were subjected to detention and deportation by inspectors of the General Directorate of Migration (DGM) in the vicinity of the hospitals" where the pregnant women go to undergo their "routine medical check-ups," the National Board denounced for Migrations and Refugees in the Dominican Republic (Menamird)........

I suspect the mood amongst Dominicans will be indifference being they are fed up with illegal immigration being tolerated for so long by past governments.


and now the other countries start screaming. Meanwhile dominicans lack  good quality medical care.


The Dominican Republic will register foreigners regardless of their immigration status … DC29909921

The registration of foreigners in the Dominican Republic will be done regardless of their immigration status , reported Juan Manuel Rosario, vice minister of Immigration Management and Naturalization of the Interior and Police.

A database will be created containing fingerprints and photographs for facial recognition of the foreigner; This will be done among the 40 offices that the Government will have at the national level.

“The office has to register them for a matter of national security and a matter of citizen security. And why do you talk about national security? Every country, when it allows a person to enter its territory, has to do a purification to know who is entering, "he said.

Two of the first offices were inaugurated by the Minister of the Interior and Police, Jesús Vásquez, last Monday in the border provinces of Elías Piña and Dajabón. Each province will have an office, while the large demarcations will have more than one.

Government will register undocumented foreigners with photos and fingerprints
Interior and Police Minister says government will guarantee national security
Rosario said that the registration is voluntary, but the foreigner who does not do it, the authorities will go to the places where they gather to identify them. Border workers will also be registered at the offices.

The foreigner who changes residence must also notify the provincial office so that the authorities of the country have records of where these people reside.

There is no guarantee that foreigners who register will not be deported. When Rosario was asked if this would cause people not to go to do it, he replied: “We have to make an effort to reduce to the minimum that attitude of the foreign migrant because if they do not go they will also deport them and if they go they will have a ce what action in accordance with the immigration policy of the Dominican Republic ”.

The beginning of the end of unapproved overstay will become a reality if this happens?

windeguy … e=emb_logo

I see NO reason these new offices will work. Who is going to go in and say they are illegal?
Dumb idea.

windeguy … erprinted/


They are regional and I can assure you that in most provinces the police know who are foreigners and where you live. The few expats and most of the Haitians in Monte Plata where I live are known for sure. And more so in that Dominicans know who are the Haitians and other foreigners in their community.

So now that they state all foreigners irrespective of resident status will have to register, it will be relatively easy to sort the legal from the illegal. Clearly there are many Haitains who are important in the workplace and employers will be forced to regularize their workers too.

In provinces like DN, Santo Domingo, La Altagracia, Santiago and Puerto Plata and border provinces it will take more efforts and need more people on the ground searching out all foreigners.

As Riva posted, the DGM have all the records of those that fly into and out of DR too.

I think this will work being regionally based and especially with those leading the effort at MOP and DGM.


I see no reason that any illegal will willingly set foot in one of these offices to have their biometric data captured.  Dumb idea.

If they are found to be illegal on the streets, they are being deported.


These offices are fo ALL foreigners to register whether with work permit, residency or whatever.

You are right as has been posted here several days ago, Illegals won't queue up and the authorities will have to track them down and to do that they will be getting more non office resources.

All Haitians who get apprehended will have fingerprinits and mugshots taken and will enter a national registry. Most Haitians do not have any passport or other identification documentation from Haiti so this will help in the future. And that alone makes this a very good move. Some/most will get deported but also some employers will react and regularize their key workers. Some of those Haitains will use their new ID to apply for work permits from Haiti through known employers. All good.

There are numerous employers of Haitians throughout DR and from the beginning of next year after the notice previously given, those employing or lodging illegal foreigners face severe penalties.

Give this six months to get set up and working. It is a good concept having a data base for all foreigners living in each province where as a rule we are already known - as foreigners and where we live.

It will be a pain for expats but this is no different than what is required in many countries.


lennoxnev, some will disagree and say this will never happen to all illegals.

Only Haitians, they will insist.

The only way anyone will go into these offices is with an escort from the PN or other DR government enforcement officers.


DR still has plenty of Haitians who have been working the sugar cane fields without regularization. There are essential workers and will ultimately get registered  then regularized in this process.

My guess is we will be seeing many employers making sure their key workers are registered and regularized with work permits. Remember there are only 2 offces opened right now.

As for other foreigners, they will be required to register after a certain period at the provincial offices. It is 15 days in other Latin countries. There is not going to be an option for all expats. You register if you are legal for sure. If illegal you almost certainly won't but will run the risk of being identified by the new regional offices as such. This is going to be a significant change in monitoring foreigners at a local level if nothing else at this time. They have the records of your entry and supposed residence. They can also see if you have departed these shores. They can also see if you overstayed. they also have locals including the police to report of ones whereabouts. The decentaization of tracking and registering of all foreigners not just Haitians is significant imo.

The current DGM and Ministry of Police is not like anything that has existed in 30 years past. They are applying the law bit by bit but this has been not just accelerated rapidly due to the Haitian crisis. Take note.

And there were the same doubters about the e ticket being possible..............


Goverment now has the motivations to do the correct things about inmigration, and has been introducing changes about it.   Here every Dominican knows where are living all the foreigners.   If they do not go by themself all the address will be know for sure in every new office for the census.


The Migration Minister clearly and specifically said this is not a regularization program.  That it has zero to do with another regularization effort. The goal is simply to enumerate who are illegal aliens in the DR. Nothing more. Did he lie?

When the new offices open up, we will see how effective they are.  I suspect close to zero effect without people being dragged into them by enforcement officers.


windeguy wrote:

The Migration Minister clearly and specifically said this is not a regularization program.  That it has zero to do with another regularization effort. The goal is simply to enumerate who are illegal aliens in the DR. Nothing more. Did he lie?

When the new offices open up, we will see how effective they are.  I suspect close to zero effect without people being dragged into them by enforcement officers.

Regularize their status = work permits, student permits or border day work pass permit. So register and get a permit to have a regular immigration status in DR.

In the case of other foreigners they can add residency and 120 day extension to get regular immigration status.

Give it six months to establish all the offices and iron out the start up. This is something normal in other countries to have offices or local police institutions to register foreigners and DR should be no different. It happens in all neigbouring Carribean countries. This is stated as essential now for DR security so I suspect it will happen.



Can this thread be merged with the existing thread Offices for Registering Foreigners?


lennoxnev,  I get your point, it just had not been stated as such. Just a biometric data base.

My wife said yesterday a house with a number of illegal Haitians was destroyed in Jarabacoa by the government.  Migracion buses have been seen in many areas rounding up illegals for deportation from work sites and many other locations including those hiding in a church as well as pregnant women in hospitals.  So, the government is serious about the problem of illegals in the DR.


They appear to be serious.  AND this may be getting out in front of future problems. The more difficult it gets in Haiti the bigger the problem here. 

The DR does a lot for Haiti and the people of Haiti.  We just cannot absorb more.


Thank you for merging threads. The other title was misleading and not what the offices are officially called or will do.

There should be no misunderstanding that these are regional offices for the registration of ALL foreigners including those with legal status as is confirmed by Ministers in articles posted and translated above.

These are not just offices to collect biometric data, but because many Haitians do not hold any identification documents it will be part of the office function to take fingerprints and photographs. The function of the office is to identify and know where every foreigner staying in DR resides for basic security.

This is a normal process in many countries worldwide and once all 40  offices are established and up and running, we expats will have to register too. Most seasoned expats are used to this process. And anyhow the police and Dominicans most often know who and where we are. Past administrations ignored this basic security need for commercial reasons and that alllowed mass Haitian migration along with some other undesirables.

Time to get this corrected but it will take several months to get fully operational.


planner wrote:

They appear to be serious.  AND this may be getting out in front of future problems. The more difficult it gets in Haiti the bigger the problem here. 

The DR does a lot for Haiti and the people of Haiti.  We just cannot absorb more.

It will be business as normal for several months to come as these offices get set up but with perhaps more efforts by DGM in rounding up illegal Haitians across the country. And of course the amnesty on employing illegal Haitians runs out at the end of the year.

There is dialogue with Haiti too as was the case with an envoy visting yesterday. There will be joint efforts to make the registration and subsequent regulaization of immigration status work. There are benefits for both countries. The problem is the lawlessness there and with no interest from USA and Europe this will remain a concern.

It took nearly 9 months to refine the e-ticket and it will probably take just as long to set up and resource all 40 offices.

So for those that have booked a long winter stay in DR this season, any impact on you appears unlikely. But next year might be quite different.


The only way people will voluntarily enter those new offices is if there is a benefit for them to do so.  Time will tell if that happens since as of now, there is only a negative situation for them to identify themselves as being illegal.


The purpose of the offices is to register all foreigners living in a province or area for security purposes.

How they do that remains to be fully understood.

In six months when more are open and up and running one will be able to judge their effectiveness by performance.

I didn't read anywhere of illegals voluntarily registering as being a future benchmark of success.

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