Marrying my Peruvian boyfriend and moving to Peru

Hi everyone, im from the UK (still living here) and im engaged to my Peruvian partner who lives in Cusco.

The plan is to get married in Peru next year and for me to then move out there but we are still quite confused on the process as weve heard alot of conflicting information.

Do i need to obtain the necessary documents in the UK and get them legalised/translated here or is that done at the UK consulate in Peru?

Once we are married - do we straight away apply for residency? Am i able to leave Peru and do this at a later date?

Any advice and information would be very much appreciated

You should be able to do either.  For a spousal residency, you cannot be out of Peru for over 6 months at a time, and I suggest you are there more then 1 day, though the specifics are not stated on minimums.  After 2 years of residency, you can then file for a permanent, another 2 years, or citizenship.  I would suggest finding an attorney to help you through the process in Peru.