Bringing in Tobacco

Great forum!!  I have scoured the posts and learned alot about winemaking supplies and other cool stuff, but I haven't seen anything on bringing in tobacco.

Does anyone have any info on bringing in cigarettes and/or smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco, skoal, etc) in my checked luggage?  quantity? maximum value in USD? etc, etc?  Looks like my visa will be ready for a mid-Sept trip over to work like a dog and see you 'all!

As  per informations availabe on net you can bring in 250gms. of chewing tobacco and 200  pcs. of cigerates to libya

Customs don't even give tobacco products a cursory glance.

There are many imported US and UK brands widely available at 25 - 30 Lyd for a 200 roll - including Marlies, Camel and Bennies.

Hand rolling and pipe tobacco is very rare but there are a couple of tobacconists on Gargaresh Road who occasionally stock it.