Getting out of Libya without a passport!!!!!

My OH is currently stuck in one of the oil fields outside Tripoli, ha and one other brit do not have their passports as they are in their Tripoli office which is in the centre of all the unrest there - the Embassy, which they could get emergency passports from, is closed !!

If they can get to Tripoli how the hell are they to get out??

Any info on who i can contact about this as i am hitting a brick wall atm trying to find someone to talk to.

They are not entirely safe where they are as the compound has been attacked a couple of times...though they are 'safer' there than they would be in Tripoli

Phone lines are still down - text messages are getting through from there but can't reply back, internet has been accessible since yesterday and reports coming from Tripoli are horrendous and probably worse than anyone currently knows about!!


Most international companies have someone or the other staying in the offices to look after the field people. I am sure they can get their passports once they are in Tripoli.

Coming to Tripoli by road is part of the problem.

I am not sure where he is located but there is news about possibility of restarting flights to the field to evacuate people stranded there.

Your husband is not alone there are hundreds of other expats in similar situation.

The ground conditions in Tripoli are not as bad as reported in the news media. There is no problem with moving around, we are still coming to the office and have not found and issues to be concerned about so far.

There has not been any news of any additional unrest for about a day and a half now.

Things will calm down hopefully in the next few days. No need for panic.


You must travel around after the bodies are moved from the streets.

Emergency passports are being issued by the Chancery (Ambo's place) you need ID Photo's and 190 LYD, no need for exit visa.

Where is Ambo's place?
Is this the Ambassadors Residence.
I heard that the Embassy office functions had moved from Burj Al Fateh to Radisson Blu - is this true?

RoryG - sorry for delay, Yes Ambassadors, No, Not Rad Blu, all at Ambo's