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I need to renew my passport I am entering in PP AND I WILL get an ORDINARY VISA... THEN I WILL RENEW MYPASSPORT  IMMEDIATELY ...DOES ANYONE KNOW how  THEY (Cambodia ) deal with this transfer . I will ask for my old passport back ..... Anyone experienced this here in Cambodia  with regards to transferring ordinary visa Ito the new passport ??

See also

Visas for CambodiaRetirement visa in CambodiaVisa Type - confusedCouple looking for visa options for non retired partnerFinding work in Cambodia

Your best chance of getting the right answer is to visit a reputable travel agent (the kind that offers a visa service). They seem to know everything.

Most countries, though, tend to require a passport that is valid for at least 6 months before they will issue a visa. Assuming that you're renewing your passport due to expiry, you might need to renew the passport before you can get the visa.

Good luck!


Yes , fortunately only because i have filled it almost up i am ok in that department . I need to renew it for that reason . But good point ! Timing is everything ...


I don't know about other countries, but in the U.S. if you run out of pages, you can always have pages added.   Can be done in the U.S. or at a U.S. consulate in a foreign country.   That might also be an option for you.


No problem. I went through that procedure last year. This is what I did, and it went smoothly:

* Get ordinary visa in old passport.
* Get new passport at the embassy
* Travel around with two passports for the overlapping time (one valid passport, and one invalid passport with valid visa)
* Upon visa expiration, give old and new passport to travel agent
* Receive visa extension in new passport. Old passport no longer necessary at this point.


Thanks Jan will do this!   .... Us passport u can add pages , not in mine though !

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