
House is sold...bags are where will be call our new home.

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Hello from Canada!

My name is Michael and my wife is Sylvia.  I am an IT professional and she is a teacher.  we have just sold our house and are resigning tomorrow.  HURRAAYYY!!!

We have a 2 year old and a 4 year old,  both girls.  Also have a dog.  We are planning to spend a year in the DR and will not be working, just living with our girls on a little family adventure.  We are looking to find out where English Expat communities are in the DR as we don't speak any language but English.  We have read that Puerto Plata (Sousa /Cabarete) is one location.  Are there other locations?

Also, budget wise, where are the least expensive locations to live and still be able to see the beach / walk to the beach with 2 young kids.  We won't have a car.

Our budget is ~ $1000 USD per month on the top end.

We are not into the night life, but are very social and want to get to know both expats and locals. 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Also, have any of you imported your pets and what should be be aware of when doing that?

Warmest regards,
Mike and Syl

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Bob K

Welcome.  Wow have your really thought this out?  Have you been here before?  That $1000 a month budget is that for housing or is that your total budget for the 4 of you?

Bob K


I will second that welcome.

And ask you the same questions! Have you even been here before? Housing. Cable. Internet. Food. Health insurance. Basic transportation. You want this all for $ 1,000????

That is a huge stretch!!! 

I am one person who lives pretty simple the only extra is higher speed internet work. Take that out and i spend about $750 a.month for ONE person.


Hi Bob.  Thank younfor the reply.  We have been planning this for a while 6+ just get to see us at the finish line :)

We have been to DR twice before.  But mainly on the resorts and golf courses. 

$1000 is housing budget.

Food / Alcohol / Electricity / transportation / entertainment are all extra.

Do you have info regarding my questions asked.  It would be greatly appreciated.



I just found a house here in Costambar yesterday for an expat,  3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, furnished with a pool,  10  minutes to the beach,  US $1,000 a month.  Costambar is 5 minutes west of Puerto Plata. (and no I do not do real estate,  just helping a friend)

There are houses, apartments, townhomes etc.  here.  That was just an FYI. 

Glad you updated the info,  we thought it was your entire budget!  Yikes.

Bob K

Whew that is better. There is lots you can get on the north coast. Villas a short walk to town of beach or condos can be had for $1000 or less.

I would recommend you come for a couple of weeks and boots on the ground works the best for finding a place.  Even stay at one of the non AI hotels for those two weeks while you explore.

Having a pet may limit your options as some do not rent to or allow dogs or cats.  However bringing a dog into the DR is very simple.  You need an international health form filled in by your vet and a recent rabies vaccine.  They do not recognize the 3 year vaccine so it needs to be done with in a year of moving here.   There is a $10 fee when you land here and that is it.  We fly  our dog back and forth all the time.  Also if you pet is not a  "cabin" pet (buy a ticket and he fits under  your seat) but needs to fly in a crate there is a temperature restriction on when they can fly.  I the temp is too high at either the original airport or on arrival here they will not send your pet. Check with the airline on their procedure.

Hope some of this info helps.

Bob K


Great flight with pet info!  He is a puppy so we will probably have him on our lap.  Is that normal?  Just a soft carry crate?  We just pay for an extra seat?

My wife really wants to know where we are going to live before we arrive to I am tasked with finding a place via internet.

I am having a real hard time finding rental agents either in the Puerto Plata region or the southern coast near Bani / Azua. 

Can anyone point me to some?  We hear the south is cheaper so we want to look there as well.

Anyone live in the south?

Much appreciated!
Mike n Syl


I can help you in Puerto Plata area. It is not normally what I do but because was just helping a friend, i am full of info right now. 

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Bob K

Planner will be a good source.  Also take a drive though the Sosua/Cabarete area.

As to the pooch he needs to be in an airline approved carry kennel/bag that fits under the seat.  I believe the wt limit for bag and pooch is about 18-20 pounds and he needs to be in the kennel at all times in the airport and plane.

Bob K


Hola and welcome Michael! I am in a similar situation as you.  I've sold my house and my 8 year old son and I are moving to the DR for a  year (or more - the year will be a trial to see if we want to stay longer) on August 4th.  In fact, it is me that rented the house that Planner referred to in her post.  If you're looking for lots of expats and an easy walk to the beach, Costambar would definitely fit the bill.

I am also bringing a dog but she's definitely not small enough to fit under the seat in a soft crate. lol  What I did learn when I booked her flight is that Air Transat does not have heat restrictions anymore so if you fly with them at least you can do it year round.  It cost me $150 to reserve a spot for my dog in the cargo space in a crate.  To carry the dog on the plane they have to be small enough to fit under the seat in a soft crate.  That area is pretty small so I think only toy breeds would fit? 

I'm really glad I read this thread because I didn't know about the international health certificate from the vet so I will have to add that to my never ending "to do list".   

I'm not sure if you are interested in putting your 4 year old in school but I have registered my son at the O & M Hostos School in Puerto Plata and I believe they take kids as young as 3.  It's an international private school with very reasonable tuition.  I've been to the school twice now and am very excited about my son having an opportunity to really immerse himself in the culture by attending school and also to learn Spanish.  Most of the courses are taught in English but there are 3 in Spanish.  If you need any more information about the school I would be happy to help out.  Otherwise Planner is an invaluable resource - I don't know what I would have done without her as I planned my move!  I should add that once I started seriously considering relocating to the north coast I flew in twice, once for 3 weeks and just recently for a week to look at rental houses and tour the school etc.  I would have been hesitant to rent a house without seeing it.  Have you considered flying in for a weekend or 5 days to look at houses?


Thanks for all your kind words and for the great info!


Pnadora B
Can you tell me more about the school? I am planning on coming down in July to check things out, again in October and then plan to stay for 6-8 months to see if it is something I want to do long term. I have two girls ages 10 and 13.


Here is the website for the school: 

I was impressed with the school when I was there both times.  In particular I was very impressed with the staff/teachers. I talked to many different staff members and all were fluent in English.  Some of the teachers/staff are from either Canada or the US and so English is actually their first language.  The school runs from J-K through to the end of high school.

I don't think the school will be open in July but when you come in October you can go visit and get a tour.  By that point as well my son will have been attending the school for about 2 months and I should have first hand experience .


That is wonderful news about the ability to travel year round with Air transat.  Our dog (Puppy) is quickly reaching the 20lb limit.  was 16 lbs today and only 11 weeks old.  I am sure he will be 25lbs+ but the time we leave on July 18th.

I will contact them directly to get more information.

We have found 2 places that we like, both in Perla Marina.

2 Bedroom villa for $800US / month

3 Bedroom Villa in 4 Villa complex.  $1100Us / Month

Both realtors are asking for deposits sent through Western Union or Money Gram.  Is this a safe form of payment?  I am concerned about being scammed.

Any advice here?



A deposit is normal.  Sending it this way -  well the receipt you receive is a receipt.  Who are the realtors?  Well known? Do they have a website? References? 

Another option to send it to someone you know here who will hand deliver it and get you a proper receipt.   That way they meet someone at their office etc.


Christian Werner Vogt of Dominican Estates and Martin Hunt of Amber Guardian.  Seems reputable.


Regarding visiting DR before we rent.  It is not really a possibility as we will be homeless on July 17th.  We will be spending a day or 2 with my parents before we plan to fly to DR.  I will be working until the weekend before we leave.  So taking time to investigate the areas is not possible, although I could see the benefit of it.


Also, regarding flights.  My understanding is that we need proof of a return (exiting) flight to enter DR?

So we book a return flight, then cancel it when we arrive?

Is that the normal process?

Regarding OHIP, is it true we have to return every 6 months to keep or OHIP active?


I believe  you must be physically present in Ontario for 153 days in any 12-month period.


And if we are not.  What happens when we do return?


Wait 3 months for ohip to start again i believe.


The Villa I think we are going to rent does not have a safe.  It has a security system for the house though.

How would you handle this.  Buy your own safe?


Buy your own safe and install it properly


How have you handled Money?  Do you open a bank account?  Do you bring US dollars or DR Pesos?   Should I exchange it at home or in the DR?


Re-asking this questions:

Regarding flights.  My understanding is that we need proof of a return (exiting) flight to enter DR?

So we book a return flight, then cancel it when we arrive?

Is that the normal process?


That is what many do,  make sure it is refundable.  OR book your return flight out  several months! 

Do not bring pesos,  bring US Dollars, Open a bank account when you get here.   OR use your bank card to withdraw money from the ATM here, use specific machines and let your home bank  know you are coming and will be using your card.

Bob K

You will need certain things, like a letter from your home bank, in order to open an account here.
Yes buy a safe and install it.  Is there security where you are renting?
Bob K


Banks are tightening up requirements. I am told the easiest now is Reserva. I will be in there next week and will report ehat I found out.

Was at Scotiabank last week. For them your bank letter for residencia is NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!! They want an original from your home bank addressed to them specifically!!! Good grief!


I am also thinking of moving there.  Thank you all for all your info and patience. The info has been great.

Bob K

Glad we could help

Bob K


Banking: What should the letter from the Bank say?  Is there a template?  Somewhere I can find this information?  I have been warned away from Reserva.  Told progresso has short lineups and that Popular may be the best all around Bank.  Popular its a public bank and they pay all the teachers and police and firemen and all other workers, so try to avoid payday :)  lineup can be many hours long.

Security:  There is a security system in the villa, I am in discussions with the owner about installing a safe.

Pets: Are there Veterinarians around Sosua or Cabarete?  Our dog is going to need Rabies boaster while we are in DR.

Pools: We are told there is a pool cleaner that comes once a week but we have to pay for the chemicals.  Are they expensive?  Is there cheaper places to buy them, or places to avoid due to Gringo prices?

Transportation:  With 2 small children, is the "bus" a smart option or should we stick to Taxis?  What would be the average cost of a Taxi from Perla Marina to Sosua or Cabarete

Health Insurance: Are there good and bad insurance companies?  Who would you suggest?

Thank you again for all the information.  It truely helps.

Michael and Sylvia

Bob K

Banking:  What should the letter from the Bank say?  Is there a template?  Somewhere I can find this information?  Your letter should include that you are in good standing with your bank, that you have paid loans on time, that you have banked with them for X number of years.  I have found in the Sosua/Cabarete area the easiest bank to use is Santa Cuz.  They seem to cater to the Expat and most in the bank will speak English.  I have been banking there for 14 years.

Security:  There is a security system in the villa, I am in discussions with the owner about installing a safe. Is he villa in a gated security community? 

Pets: Are there Veterinarians around Sosua or Cabarete?  Our dog is going to need Rabies boaster while we are in DR.  There are two Dr Bob and Dr. Della Cruz.  WE have used both

Pools:  We are told there is a pool cleaner that comes once a week but we have to pay for the chemicals.  Are they expensive?  Is there cheaper places to buy them, or places to avoid due to Gringo prices?  IF you buy in bulk (50 Chloro tabs or more at a time) the store next to Prada el Choco restaurant across from the entrance to Ocean village will work with you.  He also seems to have the best prices in the area.

Transportation:  With 2 small children, is the "bus" a smart option or should we stick to Taxis?  What would be the average cost of a Taxi from Perla Marina to Sosua or Cabarete
Take a cab. Cost will be between $20 and $2 each way

Health Insurance: Are there good and bad insurance companies?  Who would you suggest?  There are many. The three major ones are Monumental, Universal and Humano

Bob K


Some banks want the letter addressed to them.  CHECK  what they want as things have changed lately. 

With kids,  taxi it.  Do not try anything else.

Health insurance, the two best are Humano and Universal.  Monumental has issues paying claims!


How about children medicine.  Ie: chewable tylenol, advil or allergy medication? 

Do they have these?  are they expensive? Or should I pack enough for the year and bring it?

Does anyone stream movies with a Kodi Android box?  What internet speed do you have?  do you limit the resolution to 480p?  Is there alot of buffering?  What are the laws for downloading copy right material through a torrent in DR?


Medicine is avail. Its more expensive so bring some.

I have a kodi box works well.

Internet speed depenfs where you are. I have 10 down 1 up works fine.

Copyright material is workd wide as i understand it

Bob K

We too use Kodi as well as HULU and Neftlex with very little problem. 

Bring a good supply of meds with you as they are expensive here. 

Bob K


What about glasses and Contacts?

We order contact from Clearly Contacts.  Wonder if I can get them delivered to DR?


Yes you  set up a  mail forwarder account in  Miami,  get them delivered there. THen  they forward to DR at  US 5 per pound approximately.  ANything over  US 200 in value you pay TAX and DUTY on, so make sure it is under that.


Hey Bob, I just had a question on one of the answers you gave about meds. I realize you're talking over-the-counter meds and you say they are expensive but what if you just go to the pharmacist and get something for allergies or a common cold etc. wouldnt it be really cheap as I'm told you can get just about anything there at a pharmacy for next to nothing compared to US. Thanks

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