
Finally in Sosua, but further info please

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Well finally here in Sosua and Bob K was right, it is possible to find places for 300-500 fairly easy.

Have couple more questions about Sosua, be grateful for some info from long term stayers.

First need some medical treatment, not a major job, just ears are blocked, need cleaning out and possibly ear infection in one ear...can anyone suggest competent medical facility or doctor?  (which does not charge crazy prices)

Also any suggestions for reasonably priced local shops, that sell bedding, kitchen equipment, electrical goods like fans,etc?

Tried Playero supermarket but high prices,for example like US $60 for a fan, there must be cheaper options?

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Hi, we are looking to move to the DR as soon as we can, Sosua is our area of choice, glad to hear places are 300-500.  If you can't find what you need at a good price I would go online and have it shipped there, amazon and all the big companies ship international.  Enjoy your new home and country

Bob K

Shipping is very expensive and you get hit with major taxes when your stuff gets here. Much cheaper to shop localy
For household goods if you don't want to go to Santiago you could try Sosua Abajo (big store wtih furniture, house hold appliances, bedding and such).  We have bought lots of stuff for our clients there and they will treat you right. You do have to bargain some.
For Medical try CMC (new hospital in Sosua).  Let them know you are living here and have no insurance.  A doctors visit should be about $20 or so.

Hope this helps and welcome.

Bob K

luis guillermo

hey bob,en montellano tengo varias cosas que te pueden interesar,de segunda pero en perfecto estado,electrodomesticos ,utensilios y demas,tambien te puedo colaborar con clases de español a un precio justo,bienvenido bob.

luis guillermo

mi numero telefono celular es 8099639483


In English please :whistle:


Thanks Bob as usual your info is best :-)

Re the store Sosua Abajo though not quite clear on that, is it the name of an actual store in Sosua or a store in the place called Sosua Abajo south of the beach near Los Cerros?, assume you mean the latter?

Bob K

The store is in Sosua Abajo about 5 min west of Sosua. I think the store is called Super Disquenta it is just before the small bridge on your left as you are driving west. You can't miss it as there is all kinds of furniture and household items outside.

Bob K

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