Puerto Plata Apts etc - things got worse!
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well unfortunately apt hunt took a distinct turn for the worst :-(
Went to look at a place on the Malecon this evening and by then it was dark , as I left the place and walked towards Sirena suddenly two guys pulled up on a motorbike and tried to rob me!
I fought with one of them and he tried to rip off a pouch I had on belt which contained mobile and passport. It was hell of a struggle and I was determined he was not going to get the stuff, losing passport is such a hassle and Mobile was also needed is its required to access my bank account on Internet which is accessed by SMS code from bank.
So had to fight for it.But eventually the SoB pulled a knife on me and jabbed it toward my stomach which cut my shirt and caused slight wound, so I decided passport/Mobile was not worth dying for!
So let go off pouch and they rode off quickly.
then noticed also had cut on hand probably caught it on the knife during the struggle and was bleeding a bit.
Really thought this kind of thing would not happen in early evening, never had probs like this before when I stayed in Sosua and Santiago in the past...so painful lesson learned!
Puerto Plata is a lot more dangerous than one thought ...talked to a Concho driver who stopped and he said at night in certain places like Malecon it sure is not safe.
So not a good start, only 2 days here and got robbed and knifed, which could well have resulted in fatal injury had the knife gone into stomach. Probably was not a good idea to fight them, but guess its instinctive when attacked.
Only positive thing during the fierce struggle, pouch was ripped open and noticed after they rode off, the passport and mobile were lying on the pavement...that sure was a relief.
so our two knife wielding friends had very little to show for their endeavors, one ripped pouch!
And definitely could have been worse had one been seriously stabbed.But as wounds were superficial just went back to hotel quickly, to get away from that area in case someone else fancied their chances.
Yep, have had better days :-(
So would advise anyone do NOT walk alone in Puerto Plata at night especially where there is no proper street lighting.
Shame really, the apartment was nice and good price looking out on beach and told owner I would move in tomorrow, but after this not so sure its a good idea if one cant even walk down the street in that area early evening at 8.30...will decide in the morning after reflecting on what happened.
pepper spray works very well. get the strongest you can. so does the stun guns. they are small & 1,000,000 volts drops them instantly. they come disguised as a cell phone too. having a knife of your own works also. a slash across the forehead bleeds copiously plus blinds them. I have been attacked several times in the u.s. virgin islands. these happened at gunpoint. I applied for & received my carry permit. I was also a range officer at the local gun club. being an N.R.A. firearms instructor helped my rep on the small island. never was bothered again. I 've had extensive martial arts training, none of it is effective w/ a gun 4 ft. away, only works whe they are in close physical proximity. buy the pepper spray, it will do you the most good. the bible says " an eye for an eye", gypsys' say , then you take an arm and a leg. when the bad guys have a life long memory of thier mistake, the are less likely to repeat it. if you had known what the moto concho told you prior to the incident you would have avoided the problem. a good example of doing your due-diligence before hand. my condolences. be a boy scout, "be prepared".. don't let this color your impression of the north coast of this beautiful island. I'm sure Bob K will have more cogent advice for you.
Wow TP! You were really fortunate to walk away from that encounter! These guys usually carry guns and are not afraid to use it! PP has become very dangerous in the last few years, I have read of these sort of things happening more and more lately, especially due to many resorts closing and lack of jobs. The guys are not the only ones to watch out for, the women can be just as slick or used as a distraction. So sorry to hear about your ordeal, but glad you posted it on the forum as a warning to others.
Are you an older gentleman??? Is there anything you had on your posession that might have atracted the crooks other than the pouch, jewelry, camera, expensive sunglasses or anything of the sort??? I'm from NYC and here in NYC we all carry ourselves with a bit of an attitude in both our verbal and body language which is simply a defense mechanism to discourage these sort of things. If there is anything you can think of that you might have done differently please share in order to make ohers aware. Thank goodness you are ok, and you might want to reconsider renting around the Malecón unless you plan not to go out after Dark. Be well and be safe.
Great advice Gypsy. I'm a big pepper spray advocate, sometimes all you need is enough time to get away, and if they can't see, they can't get to you, but word of advice. Make a copy of your passport and leave the original at home, unless you need to truly carry it. Use a money belt with a secret stash and keep just some chump change in your pocket and as far as the cell, get yourself a cheap broken cell and hand them that one in a rush! These are some of the tips I use both here in NY and in DR. Money in your socks or sneakers is also good. Your pouch was possibly what caught their eye. I have also had years of MA training and in a gun situation it is best to let them be, but if your life is in danger, then by all means fight!!!! Don't let the incident sour you, simply get to know the Beast and you might be able to avoid him. Once again....Be safe.
yeah thanks for the advice , guess just bad luck, as they say wrong place at the wrong time.
Yes, a gun would have been handy, .44 Magnum would have done a nice job :-)
Did not know pepper spray is legal here, well never had cause to consider it as I never had any probs before.
Well I dont scare easy as I served as paratrooper for 7 years, Its just when one is caught by surprise like that, catches one off guard having just had a relaxed drink with a friend...just did not expect this, never having had any hassle in DR before.
Like I said seems the old wrong place at the wrong time scenario....
Shame about the apartment as I wanted it. Its on the first floor but had no metal grills on the Windows and if these kind of robbers know a Gringo lives there thought perhaps one night they might try their luck again and try break in, although my friend who is Dominican told me this is unlikely as the owner would kick up shit as he knows the area and try to find them. But it does concern one, so really do not know whether to take this apartment, be a shame to lose it as its nice and good price, will be difficult to find another one like it.
Guess best to sleep on it, lick my wounds and decide in the morning
Yeah having read some of the other replies, seems things have got more dangerous in PP, although not heard about any serious things like shootings, that sure would not go down very well with the tourist industry in DR!
Guess the world is getting more dangerous wherever one goes sad but that the way it seems to be going :-(
Hey TP you have not heard of the serious stuff because this info is not published in the tourist guides but if you want the real deal with what goes on in your neck of the woods then look here. DETRASDELRUMOR.COM.DO This is a website with local news sponsored by a local attorney. He also has a TV show Mon-Fri on the same site, but can only be enabled by flash enabled browsers. The site is in Spanish, but could possibly be translated with Google translate or Chrome. If you wish to view the program on a tablet, or mobile device, then you will need Puffin Browser, the paid version, not free. If you really want to know about the local flavor, then you must go where the locals get their info. As far as no bars on windows, I would not trust that unless it is on a higher floor and as far as trusting the landlord, sometimes they are in on the hit, so trust is to be earned and not given, If you wish to go with this spot, change the locks on your door and see if you can set up some sort of window security from the inside if you can. Good luck and keep us posted.
yeah after what you said did some checking and seems there is a lot of pretty horrid things going on which is not reported, probably covered up as it will hurt tourist industry.
seems even diplomats are not safe a Taiwanese diplomat was killed a while back , although that was in SD, not PP, but many other murders of Germans, Dutch, Italians were on the North Coast the most recent in June this year when an 80 year old German was killed in Cabarete I believe...well never checked on these things before until the robberym now unfortunately my eyes are a bit more open and I sure dont like what I see. Really a shame I always considered DR petty much OK ...now sadly not so sure any more.
and with lack of jobs etc guess things dont exactly look rosy for the future... dont want to get paranoid so soon after coming back, but it does make one think!
seems 39 foreigners have been killed last couple of years, tonight I could have been Nr 40 :-( not a nice thought to retire for the night with.....
Hey TP don't let this incident turn you off, but like you just said, your eyes are more open now, and that is the key word. When I first came to DR, a former Hotel owner sat me and my brother down during our stay and schooled us from A-Z and ever since then I have had my eyes fully open, both day and night! I have had my own incidents on the island, but thanks to the schooling I received, I was able to side step most.
Many of the murders you have read about sometimes are due to certain personal issues or just bad company those individuals kept, so the whole tourist being killed thing is not common. Here are a few rules.
Keep your bussiness private, especially your financial background. Trust must be earned and not given, and that goes for expats as well as locals. Don't Invite too many folks into your apartment unless you truly know them and trust them, that goes for expats and locals. If you have to have them come fix anything, don't leave anything of value in plain site. Carry only a photocopy of your passport. Get yourself a money belt. Carry just what you are going to spend on you. Change up your visits to the ATM, both the times and locations. Preferably use ATM's that are indoors and if you do take out a large sum of money, catch a cab and get back to your place and stash the cash.
If you do choose to get a girl for the night, you are better off at a Cabaña and not back at your apartment since there is a tourist hook lately where you pick up an underage girl and the cop follows you both and then tries to extort cash in exchange for not arresting you, then splits the cash with the girl. Lastly, Xmas season is coming around so be extra careful, this is the favorite season for crooks to be Jolly. Overall use the same mindset as when you were a ranger, don't let the Palm trees fool you
I am so sorry to hear about all of this. So many lessons to be learned!!!
1. NOTHING is worth your life, let it go!
2. DO NOT go alone close to or after dark no matter who you are or how big you are.
3. Pepper spray is a good idea, but being accompanied is even better.
Things have gotten more desperate in Puerto Plata, that being said, you NEED to be careful and take precautions. NOW this happens in Sosua and Santiago and Santo Domingo and La Romana etc etc. Do not assume it only happens here in Puerto Plata. And do not assume it only happens where tourists or expats hang out. Dominicans face the exact same issues in certain parts of the country.
Be very aware of where you are going and with whom. Spring for the taxi - they will wait with you and make sure you stay reasonably safe! Don't walk alone after dark. MAKE Sure someone knows where you are going!
You are very very luck to have your items and not be hurt worse! Please be careful.
>Hey TP don't let this incident turn you off, but like you just said, your eyes are more open now, and that is the key >word. When I first came to DR, a former Hotel owner sat me and my brother down during our stay and schooled us >from A-Z and ever since then I have had my eyes fully open, both day and night! I have had my own incidents on >the island, but thanks to the schooling I received, I was able to side step most.
Yes I had incident in Sosua couple of years back but managed to sidestep that, like I said this PP thing happened very quick and caught me off guard a bit, having just arrived shortly before and still having a bit of jetlag.
.>Here are a few rules.
>Keep your bussiness private, especially your financial background. Trust must be earned and not given, and that >goes for expats as well as locals. Don't Invite too many folks into your apartment unless you truly know them and >trust them, that goes for expats and locals. If you have to have them come fix anything, don't leave anything of >value in plain site.
>Carry only a photocopy of your passport. Get yourself a money belt. Carry just what you are going to spend on >you. >Change up your visits to the ATM, both the times and locations. Preferably use ATM's that are indoors and if >you do take out a large sum of money, catch a cab and get back to your place and stash the cash.
Yes all common sense items which I normally follow.
But this time made the wrong move. Well some years back I was in a hotel in Buenos Aires and left all my stuff locked in hotel room. Upon return they were stolen. So this time as I do not know the hotel in PP that well and the door did not look that sturdy, decided to take passport etc with me-wrong decision as it turned out!
>since there is a tourist hook lately where you pick up an underage girl and the cop follows you both and then tries >to extort cash in exchange for not arresting you, then splits the cash with the girl.
Oh they are starting that game now are they? This used to be a favourite in places like Thailand ...yeah things do seem to be getting worse here ...sad!
Another cop scam I came across some years ago was cops working together with drug addicts to plant stuff on Tourists in Costa Rica They used to try and sell drugs but if you refuse they just waited until you stop at traffic light or something and just stick some in your pocket...and hey presto... magically 2 cops would appear in seconds and arrest you! Makes me wonder sometimes what is the point of Interpol- perhaps Intercrooks would be a better description from what I seen on my travels, many are just a collection of gangsters in uniform!
Talking of cops some passerby said I should go to the cops but I did not bother, robbers were long gone and they would not find them, and with the cops reputation did not think it worth the bother to report, doubt they would have done anything anyway.
>Lastly, Xmas season is coming around so be extra careful, this is the favorite season for crooks to be Jolly.
Yeah that could well be right. after what happened in PP may actually go back to Sosua, never had many probs there and there are more tourists etc around which perhaps makes it a little bit safer- on the PP Malecon it was pretty much deserted when it happened.
and the place I stayed at there had security guard downstairs so that was pretty safe.
That apt in PP without metal grills I now think probably will not be safe.
I am joining this discussion late..sorry. You have gotten some good advice from the folks here. Sorry that you had to experience this.
Things are getting a bit dicey lately and many of the Expats have taken up an effort (Crime stoppers in the Cabarete/Sosua area for one) in trying to prevent as well as educate folks on crime here. This is also at time of year (Xmas time) when we usually see an increase in crime.
Keep you wits about you at all times.
Bob K
Well, decided to go back to Sosua and found a place pretty central, bit small but good price with Internet and electric etc included. and seems nice and safe with metal grills on doors/windows. Walked around a couple of nights, no hassle or dangers -just like the old Sosua I knew :-)
Well I am sure things can happen here too and one still has to be careful, but from what I saw PP definitely seems worse!
So feel OK now, wounds are healing and have a nice place to stay,etc everything looks brighter now :-)
...sure had a lucky escape, though not an experience I would like to repeat, but I know it could have been much worse!!
One thing I noticed has not changed are the prices at Playero, outrageous really, Some items are more than double what one would pay in Europe...but guess not much one can do about that and its balanced by other things with lower costs.
Talking of supermarkets I recall there was talk in the past of Sirena opening a place in Sosua- whatever became of that??
Can I ask what you are paying per month for your apartment so I have a base reference for when I begin looking? Thanks
imported items always more. buy local products. just up the street is Productos super Mercado. smaller than Playero but cheaper. the best bacon I;ve ever eaten. they will slice it to order & thickness. no nitrates or nitrites. it comes from the pork they raise. super cheeses too. buy produce from the little stands as well. Soilos on pedro clisante is a family run store . frsh ground beef & chickens. nice people. don;t be put off by the locals hanging around outside. it is a social gathering place for the neighborhood. have fun exploring the different shopping sources. ifyou see a person selling white, wet balls of cheese, BUY ONE OR TWO! they come with a few crackers tha go well with the cheese. ambrosia! try it on the spot. you will thank me for the rest of your life. it looks like mozzerella same texture but deffinitly not bland.
Hey TP. That Sirena you talked about is actually a SuperPola, same owners as La Sirena, it is in Sosua on your way in direction of Cabarete, just ask anyone where Super Pola is, it is much cheaper than playero
When super Pola opened in Sosua a few months ago Playero seemed to wise up and lowered their prices, improved customer service and things got better. But when they realized that they still had a good business going as most expats wanting imported products and not wanting to shop were "locals shopped" as well as most tourists shopping there they raised the prices back up and the little customer service they had seemed to disappear. So things went back to the old ways.
Me shop almost exclusively at Pola and only got to Player for things I cannot get in Pola and some meats from the german butcher that runs the fresh meet section.
Bob K
Some good advice here. Keep your wits about you as we approach Christmas. What is hard during the year is brutal at Christmas, people get desperate. Be aware at all times.
NEVER live in a place where ground, second and sometimes third floors do not have bars on the windows, its not safe.
Super Pola is a good option, competition is always good for the consumers!!!
>Can I ask what you are paying per month for your apartment so I have a base reference for when I begin >looking? Thanks
well got a place for $350 per month, but is rather small, but being single dont bother me. If you want something bigger think about $400+ sounds about right
Did actually find a cheap place in PP, quite large and furnished right on the beach with nice views for only $300.
But considering I got robbed and stabbed shortly after viewing it, think Sosua is probably the better option :-)
>... there they raised the prices back up and the little customer service they had seemed to disappear. So >things went back to the old ways.
No surprise there then :-)
Me shop almost exclusively at Pola and only got to Player for things I cannot get in Pola and some meats from the German butcher that runs the fresh meet section.
Yes I had not heard about this Pola place, I shall try it. But as you said some things one has to go to Playero for...German stuff is usually very good, meat and cakes. so worth it occasionally.despite the crazy prices :-)
Oh yeah one more Question, one thing that seems impossible to find in DR is loose tea, Seems the only thing one can get are damn teabags, which are not nearly as good as proper loose tea!
Normally buy large box of Assam, Ceylon or Darjeeling , but despite looking everywhere no loose tea in DR it seems, although they do sell those teaball things to put loose tea into, which seems rather pointless!
Well luckily flight was via Germany so managed to get a large box of Ceylon tea there, which should last a while, but will have to keep trying for later! Englishman without tea is like a German without Bratwurst and Lederhosen :-)
>imported items always more. buy local products. just up the street is Productos super Mercado.
Yes I know it, been there in the past...
>smaller than Playero but cheaper. the best bacon I;ve ever eaten. they will slice it to order & thickness. no >nitrates or nitrites. it comes from the pork they raise. super cheeses too. ... BUY ONE OR TWO! they >come with a few crackers tha go well with the cheese. ambrosia! try it on the spot. you will thank me for >the rest of your life.
I would thank you even more if you could find me some real English Mature cheddar :-) I could kill for a chunk of that :-)
I dont mean that plastic tasteless shit Cheddar in pre-packed slices, but real Cheddar, made in Cheddar near Bristol, England ....all I can find here is Dutch, Italian etc.
ask in brittaina & spankys. english ex-pats in both places. ask for airport dave & Ian the builder. a few aussies around also.
For Loose Tea contact this young lady on FB she is very nice and grows her own organic tea leaves in Sosua, very nice and well versed on herbs, I met her on my last visit. https://www.facebook.com/RaizHerbalReme … e_internal
Here is a good FB site for buying and selling stuff in Cabarete/Sosua area. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Everythi … ref=stream
Great exchange of info!!!! Some stores like Bravo and Nacional in Santiago carry good cheddar cheese and lots of imported products Can we say road trip???
Ok, loads of useful advice ...thanks to everyone! :-)
there is of course another way to get stuff by using Internet sites for example : http://www.britishcornershop.co.uk
they can supply all ones fave stuff...(and sure there must be some American sites as well providing similar service )
But of course there is a downside, the postage cost of sending parcels all that distance are quite horrendous especially for small orders !
For example- sending tea worth £3 would cost £35 in Postage- insane!.... I like good tea, but not that much :-)
So best stick to local solutions as suggested....
Well recently tried the new SuperPola in Sosua...unfortunately was a bit disappointed.. perhaps I expected too much...something like Sirena in PP but it certainly was not ,being rather smaller. Choice therefore pretty limited.
But on the plus side yes it was a bit cheaper than rip off Playero, although not by large amounts, but every little helps.
But the most frustrating thing was the organisation- or should I say lack of!
Price information on shelves is all over the place.. and in many cases lacking altogether! Wanted to buy several things but no prices at all on many items and there was not even a price scanner, like in most big stores- or if there was I certainly could not find one.
In the end I did not buy several items, got better things to do hunting down employees every few minutes, just to see what prices are (which they may or may not know in any case)
So pretty much a shambles! Think they missed a great opportunity! If they had a bigger store and better organised they could have provided much stiffer competition to Playero.
Think I can see what BobK meant about Playero putting prices back up, they also must have realised Pola is no great threat and they can continue screwing people.
>Bob K When super Pola opened in Sosua a few months ago Playero seemed to wise >up and lowered their >prices, improved customer service and things got better. But when >they realized that they still had a good >business going as most expats wanting imported products and not wanting to shop were "locals shopped" as well >as most tourists shopping there they raised the prices back up and the little customer service they had seemed to >disappear. So things went back to the old ways.
But will still use Pola as some items are definitely cheaper, just will have to go to Sirena once and a while if and when required.
Playero I will use for some imported stuff,, but little as possible with their rip off prices...another rip off example other day -needed plastic bucket ..price in Playero, nearly 400 Peso! I thought outrageous...no way!
So took a little walk down the beach to Charamicos, found a small local hardware shop and found a bigger and better bucket for only $150!
and the lady in the shop was very nice and helpful.
Its best to shop around and find your sources for things you buy on a regular basis. Super Pola is good for some things and not others for sure. Size of the store is dependent on the size of the market. They wont invest a ton of money for a small market. Oh well.....
Yes I do the bulk of my shopping at Pola and fill in what I can't find at Playero. You can't beat veggie day (Wednesday) at Pola. About once a month I do take the trip to PP for la Sirena (used to do this every week)
Bob K
@ BobK
Yes thats sounds like good options...plus the occasional visit to Charamicos... some things like household items can be cheaper there.
Well been in Sosua two weeks now and not been robbed,stabbed or threatened yet... so things are looking up :-)
Yeah moving out of PP was the right move I think, way things are going in DR...
now.. where did I put that pepper spray?? :-)
Talking of beastly things just before I left DR last time there was this weird thing when they found a German stabbed to death in an empty room at Puerto Plata airport,- that was a weird story .Did they ever get to the bottom of that?
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