
Volunteering in Dominican Republic

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While living abroad, some expats wish to get involved in the local community life.

What organizations expats can turn to if they want to volunteer in Dominican Republic?

How to join a charitable institution, what are the steps?

Which causes have the greatest need for volunteers in Dominican Republic?

Thank you in advance for sharing your experience and advice,


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Living in Dominican Republic: the expat guideResidency Medical Examination in Punta CanaWant to bring electronic goods through airportany feedback on these locations?New members of the Dominican Republic forum, introduce yourselves here - 2025
Bob K

Every area has it own organizations.  I don't know of any "national" effort.  Each community has it's opportunities especially in the area of education.

For those wanting to help there is no lack of places to do so.  If on the north coast you need some ideas just let me know.

Bob K


Bob is right. AND add this -  you need to be careful where you volunteer and how you behave.  Being careful is about associating with the wrong kind of organization. Many are politically  motivated and some don't do what they claim to do in order to get donations. Just be careful.

Some language skills are usually needed and you need to understand the culture and be sensitive to it.

Bob K

Carnival at the new seaport is running volunteer trips as well.

Planner is right there are lots of "shady" organizations" doing volunteer work here.

Bob K

Caribbean wantabe

If you're interested in orphanage or medical volunteer work, I can give you some leads in both Santiago and Santo Domingo.

Bob K

Good to know.

Bob K


@ Caribbean wantabe > I invite you to post all information that you have on this thread itself. It might help other members as well.

Thank you,

Priscilla  :cheers:


Priscilla  we rarely will give that info in public,  referrals of that type you often want to know a bit  more about the people first before referring someone.   Here if you were to refer then it reflects on you!

Another cultural tidbit.


Maximilien wrote:


While living abroad, some expats wish to get involved in the local community life.

What organizations expats can turn to if they want to volunteer in Dominican Republic?

How to join a charitable institution, what are the steps?

Which causes have the greatest need for volunteers in Dominican Republic?

Thank you in advance for sharing your experience and advice,


I  live just outside of Puerto Plata and there ius a foundation here that helps in the Haitian community here. I have given classes in English and taken people to the doctor etc .  It is called Suncampdr, and has a webpage at dot org.  Mayn people bring food, clothes or school supplies and Sun Camp distributes them to the people that need them.
Also another organization is Strength for the journey which teaches kids for free. Ifg a family cannot afford shoes the kid cannot atttend the regular scdhools here, or so I am told.


That is true, without a proper uniform kids dont go to school.  Lots of  kids that need help each school year.


planner wrote:

That is true, without a proper uniform kids dont go to school.  Lots of  kids that need help each school year.

Also without proper shoes they cannot atttend classes. I have bought maybe a dozen pairs of shoes in the last few years.  In Panama they have cologios descalsa, or barefoot schools for kids who are that poor, but the teachers have no education either. I spoke to one once in La Chorera whom I asked why she didn't use capital letters and periods etc, and she said she remembered a little of that stuff when she was in school, but had forgotten whatit was all about!


Sorry for me shoes are a part of the uniform.  THANK YOU for helping the kids! I have helped over the years and I love doing it.

Bob K

Yes school uniforms including shoes are required to attend classes.

Yes DingoElGringo Strength for the Journey in Sosua is a great organization.  My wife volunteers there as well as helps with the books.  I in fact sit on their board of directors. We are constantly looking for volunteers and $$$$ for the programs.

Bob K


I belong to an organization on the north coast that helps the local dogs and cats, the ones who have poor Dominicans (or Haitians) owners and the street dogs as well. We go around the communities monthly treating the animals against parasites, such as worms, ticks, fleas, heart worms. We treat them as well if they are sick or injured. We depend solely on volunteers and donations. We have veterinarians from the US and Canada, as well as local veterinarians who donate a lot of their time during our clinics when we spay and neuter as many animals as we can. If you would like to know a bit more about the organization, let me know or visit the website: and

Bob K

Thanks for the post. There are a couple of groups here on the north coast that are doing this and it is a GOOD thing.

Bob K


It sure is a good thing.

Caribbean wantabe

Here are the non-profits we support in the DR  .
This is a non-profit, church-based orphanage located in Santiago.  The children range from birth to 18. The orphanage provides an education, teaches job skills, and encourages the children to participate in extra-curricular activities.  5 of the girls recently placed in a local gymnastics competition.  Currently, they are in the process of building a new location where all the children will be housed on one campus.  Presently, they are in 3 separate homes. (Santo Domingo)
This organization's work is quite varied.  Everything from mobile medical clinics, disaster relief, hospice care, to building schools, rural wells, and much more.  Please check out their website as their work is too extensive to list here. (Santo Domingo)
Primary focus is medical missions, with special emphasis on orthopedic care, sports ministry and church planting in rural villages.


I am in santo Domingo and I am interested in orphanage help


Whatever happened to the group called Sosua Kids? They had a big thing to raise money a few years ago, but aint heard from them since.  Anybody know?


Sosua kids is still operating I believe.    The Beyond the Beach Foundation from Canada still supports them every year.

A&E what are you looking to do?  Not sure I can help,  but I can try.

Bob K

Yes Sosua kids is still very active and this year they supplied many kids with school uniforms, books, pencils and pack packs.

Bob K


Bob K wrote:

Yes Sosua kids is still very active and this year they supplied many kids with school uniforms, books, pencils and pack packs.

Bob K

Good that is my favorite kind of helping.

syed bahzad hasan

I am interested to serve as volunteer in Dominica Republic.

Please let me know how I can join?


Syed Bahzad Hasan
Karachi - Pakistan


You can't  Syed until you are here and understand some of the language and the culture.

Bob K

syed bahzad hasan yes  you need to be here and visit the various organizations that may fit your needs. They are all over the country.

Have you been here before?  Are you planning a trip??

Bob K


I am also interested in volunteering while I am in the DR.  I am not sure what sort of free time I will have available but I will be based in Sosua Bay and I anticipate being in the area from November - April. 

I lived/volunteered on Utila, Honduras for a year and (in my opinion!) one of the most beneficial things we did there was conduct free first aid seminars.  This is something I would really like to get involved in, if there is need for it in the Sosua Bay area?  I don't know what sort of first aid education it is common for people to receive in the DR but in Utila we found that even very basic stuff (like don't move someone who is laying in the middle of a road after a motorcycle accident!) was unknown to the majority of the population.

I should have some space in my bags so if there is anything (kinda cheap, as I don't have a lot of spare money laying around!) you guys could think of that I could bring that could help the kids in Sosua Bay, please let me know.


Hi Vero60,

I would like to know some more information about volunteering with the dogs and cats!  I clicked the link you shared and read the "about us" info for DCDR- is it still based in Sosua Bay?  I would be very interested in helping with the community outreach part of the program- delivering food/medicine, monitoring health of the current population, etc..  I also have a medical background (though I'm not a certified vet or technician) and could help out with surgical prep/recovery monitoring/etc... for spaying and neutering.

Bob K

lauraeaton77 you might contact Monkey Jungle
They run a dental and medical clinic for the poor every Saturday and it is fully staffed by volunteers.  They are always looking for new people.

Good luck

Bob K

Bob K

Here is also a link to a local organization that does lots of work with the animal population including frequent spay and neuter clinics.

Bob K


Hey Bob,

Thanks for the link for the medical/dental clinic.  Where is the link for the animals?  :)

Bob K

I knew I had a coffee shortage this morning.

Sorry, here is:

Bob K


Hi lauraeaton77,
Yes the main chapter of the organisation is based in the Sosua/Cabarete area. We operate mostly along the north coast. I personally belong to the Luperon chapter (Luperon is to the west of Puerto Plata), but we work very closely with the group in Sosua. This week we had a mega clinic in the Callejon region of Cabarete with vets from the US. I haven't seen our final figures yet but we were aiming for spaying and neutering 400 dogs and cats. We plan another fairly big clinic in November. If you would like, I could get you in touch with someone in the Sosua area. We are also on Facebook, we continuously upload current photos there of the work that we do and of the animals that we help. The names of our 2 Facebook public groups are: Dogs and Cats of the Dominican Republic and Dogs & Cats of the Dominican Republic- Luperon.

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