
a day in thelife

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I'm known to blow my own horn now & then.  What ya'll must realize is that the horn is almost 76 years old, tarnished, dented, bent out of shape & out of tune. It is nothing more than a tuba that once in a while blows scentless farts to whomever will listen to its' meager sounds.  It is more in fun than serious. When I;m serious you will know it.  I find that a message with a little humor oft times produces the desired results. . The past 4 months have not been pleasant for me & the next 3 not so nice either. The end of it all is worth the journey. The help & understanding from Planner & Groby have enabled me to stay focused & on the right path. To them I give thanks & love. A day in my life has changed for the better & am looking forward to pulling the tails of those whom I deem worthy of a tot of sardonic wit. The tuba marches on through these troubled times in the American society. To see the gathering clouds of discontent is disheartening. perhaps the country, like me, will suvive.  I've never walked down a street in the U.S. & heard laughter as I do in the DR. It is the joy of life that creates the laughter not the pesos in their pockets.  To me that is why the DR is home for me.  Life is like a very bumpy road, the faster you go, the more you feel the bumps.  Slow down & enjoy this brief ride we have. It lasts so much longer that way.

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Bob K

Thought provoking post and so true.  Too many of us are in a  rush to get where??????

Slow up and enjoy the smell of the roses and the sound of old tubas :D

Life is over in the blink of an eye so make it count.

Bob K


Gypsy  you are a wonderful soul my friend.   I love your attitude and your spirit!   Looking forward to meeting you in person.....   

Whether we agree with you or not, you ALWAYS make us think. You always make us stop and take a look at things. That is a gift.  Sometimes you also crack me up!!!!

Thanks honey.  Keep on sharing your wisdom honey.


Ah, wisdom. What an appellation to bestow upon one. Maybe it is only a slightly different view from the same window on life that we all share. A ripple in the glass perhaps shapes the distortion, the different vision, or is it really different? It can't be if we all understand the off kilter thoughts.  To perceive is to be, therefore we all share the "WISDOM".  It is not wisdom, it is just another page in another book.   Another fart from the Tuba.


And how you make me smile.....   "another fart from the tuba:......

Bob K

You got to stop eating those Dominican beans :D:D:D:D

Bob K


Bob, those particular beans came from a can of Goya black beans, a puertorican family owned business.  At this point of time, I don't posess the wonderful Dominican beans.  Lower the level of your nose to to catch the scent of impoted beans..  I eat yogurt & de-bitterted brewers yeast each day so the fumes are never noxious.

Bob K

Glad to hear you are working on the scent :D:D:D:D

Here only local bulk beans for me

Bob K


Hey, would it be ok if í broke script and stopped by here to say hi to you all? What an awesome gang to be carousing with. I'm a bone player myself. Takes a lot of wind to get the tuba going.  😎 gypsy touches the very core of my funny bone more times than not. Then again why would í be surprised. He does provide a particular scent to the ambience of profound and confirmed wisdom. When people don't understand the language we have developed by reestablishing ourselves in contrast to the familiar, there is a risk of perceived fanaticism that lends ones reason to think of us as dislocated embolisms. We must not retreat in order to pacify the misconceptions of the fearful who have lost their way. My friend and comrade of incrediable destiny, do not mock me by your position in my wake. For it is my wake that you await,,,my friend. When í arrive, you will allow me to continue on, with you and í together fortified against that which would try and make us wait....for them to begin their journey in OUR wake.


not my thought to mock, I don't have the way of words that you possess. Perhaps I should say that I'm wake-boarding insread on the curling wave of your thoughts.    Today I was in a doctors office waiting for the first of 24 monthly shots in my ass.  As in all of the medical offices that I lately have frequented, a dozen or so aging people were sitting in silence. They would look at me with doubting eyes as I would laugh & flirt with the staff.  I don't sit down, sitting too much is bad for the heart as well as causing a huge ass.  There they sit, silent, downcast eyes, with the corners of their mouths pointed down.  Never a smile or a giggle.  Some couples who must have spent decades together never speaking or touching.  The only communication perhaps the passing of a cane or pushing a chair with wheels.  They are all silently waiting.  Waiting for what, the end?  If so, the end of what?  All are fighting alien invaders of their bodies or mind. Waiting without spirit or will to be alive.   They should have a hero, yes a hero!  Stephen Hawkins comes to mind.  He can't move, wipe his own ass, feed himself or injoy the regular things in life. BUT, he is more alive then these others because he revels in the joy of the mind. The love of lesrning & exploring life as no other. How did hese people come to such a lonely , bitter place.   No matter the affliction, there is something to love & learn of self & life. It is the same no matter the doctors specialty, even in a dentist office where they can walk out with a beautiful smile, they don't.  To me it is indicative of the decline & decay in American society. I pine to hear the gap-toothed laughter in Charomicos or the shy smiles of a young girl helping her mother in the markets or on the stream banks wahing clothes.  I hate going to the doctors.... I'm not waiting for the end.  Yes Jeff. Tom Mix & Gene Autry ride again to defeat the foes of life.    We gotta get Robin Hood In there too!

Bob K

Loved  your last two posts. I wish I had such a gift with words.

It rings so true.  I am watching my mother go on her final journey downcast, angry, bitter and she could do so much more.

Bob K


When my doctor informed me when at 31, I  had testicular cancer, I asked if I was going to die. In that he is my friend he replied. "Of course Greg, we will all find that end sometime. Just don't die on the way to getting there."  Encouragingly he put his hand on my shoulder and as a friend again, let me know my life and perception of life would never be the same again. His name also is Robert.

Bob K

Oh so true.  Make the trip to the end as full as possible.

Bob K


Its a ride and we can choose much of how it plays out. Our attitudes determine almost everything about the ride.

I also was diagnosed with cancer at age 23.  I chose how to live my life after that!   Full,  to the max,  taking risks,  enjoying the ride!  And look where I ended up!  Wooo hoooooo.


In the face of such honesty, I too must drop my drawers, .. I have prostrate cancer....... I'm lucky that it hasn't spread, therefore no chemo.  Just 5 days a week for 9 weeks of radiation.  After nearly four months of a catheter & peeing into a bag on my leg, a painful "Rotor Rooter type removal of excess tissue, I'm able to resume a "Normal" life. 18 libs thinner, but an excellent prognosis. I'll rejoice in joing Darlene & Jeff as a survivor.  A GIANT TUBA FART to the world.  Thanks to you all for your courage, thank you.


Prostate cancer survivor. Had the surgery march 2014. Currently PSA at zero. Count myself lucky.

We will meet in the near future.  Take care. CR


For months I thought that I rode alone.  Thanks to you all I now realize that others ride beside me, ahead of me & behind me.  I am no longer alone.


As I said. We will meet up. Take care.

Bob K

Congrats to both of you, actually three (planner as well) it is a long haul I know.  My wife is now a 13 year Breast Ca survivor and it was a rough year or two in the beginning.

Bob K


We are all soldiers in one form or another and those who support us are critical as well.

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