
Food. Fashion. Ferrets.

Food. Fashion. Ferrets.
Publicado el 30 Abril 2010
My name is Beverly and my family is originally from Singapore. My husband and I were fortunate to both have been offered regional positions in Shanghai, and have lived here for 1.5 years now.

My name is Beverly and my family is originally from Singapore. I lived in Australia and worked there for a few years after graduating university.

Where are you living now?

My husband and I were fortunate to both have been offered regional positions in Shanghai, and have lived here for 1.5 years now. We intend to stay for a few years - it's amazing how fast China progresses in just a little over a year!

Have you ever lived abroad before?

I've lived in both Singapore and Australia. I've travelled around the world - to Europe, around Asia, America, etc. In fact, in 2010, my new years resolution is: "to travel at least once a month, for every month of 2010." So far, so good! Next up is a trip to Paris and Barcelona.

When and why did you choose to live in Shanghai?

I made the decision to move 1.5 years ago when my company offered me a regional role based here in Shanghai. I was interested in moving to China as the speed of economic growth here is phenomenal, with potential for even more. It's interesting being submerged in such a different culture to Australia's and a great way for me to learn Mandarin.

How would you describe the place you are living in ?

I live in a very 'expat-friendly' area. The apartment is larger/better than my apartment back in Australia and it has a lovely lake right outside. The building is directly on a street famous for spas/massages, DVD shopping and great restaurants.

What is your occupation ?

I am the Regional Marketing Manager at eBay.

How is / was the cultural shock?

The biggest difference I noticed was the sheer amount of people in Shanghai. Even at midnight, there would still be traffic and people on the streets. In Australia, everything shuts down after 5PM, and the traffic is far more orderly. On the plus side, we were pleasantly surprised with the myriad of cheap and high quality spas, food and shopping - your dollar sure goes a long way here!

Do you miss anything from your homeland?

I dearly miss Australia's mild climate and brilliant blue skies. From time to time, I would give anything for a bit of peace and quiet and solitude!

When did you start your blog?

I've had a blog since I was 13 years old, back in 1994. This was way before the internet was mainstream, and blogs didn't really exist (I was considered a bit of a weirdo by my high school friends because I had a blog!). So I had my own website created in HTML and coded it directly using Notepad. Now, blogging is a cinch with sites such as LiveJournal, Blogger, etc!

Did you make new friends with your blog?

This often amazes people, but the majority of my best friends in real life were first met online - people that regularly read my blog and we started meeting up. It's a fabulous way to connect with like-minded people!

When did you register on expat blog?

I registered last year when we moved to Shangha

Any 'memories of an expat' you would like to share with other bloggers?

My biggest tip would be to go out there and experience the country. Try their local food! I know many expats that stick to their home country's cuisine and refuse to try local Chinese food. It's delicious, cheap, and a great experience.

Food. Fashion. Ferrets.



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